3 ways to Exercise your Yuletideyness for Grinches

By: Missionary Team

Christmas time, It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Seriously Christmas brings so much joy to so many people all around the world. Don’t you just wish that that feeling of joy brought with yuletideyness could just stay forever? Well me too. If you don’t like it... you’re probably a big green hairy fella named the Grinch or possibly even Ebeneezer Scrooge. Right? Well, actually not quite. More and more people I talk to struggle a lot with the holidays. In my experience, it typically boils down to one of two reasons why they don’t like the holidays. Number one: they actually are the Grinch or number 2, family problems.

Every year divorce rates grow higher and higher, but it’s not just divorce that makes a broken family. Everyone always has their own problems and suffering they are trying to deal with and when those things are mashed together in one room it’s easy to see how this can cause family meltdowns in a time that is supposed to be all about joy and the spirit of giving. So how do we get into that spirit of joy and giving so that our holidays might be a season that means more than just “making it through”

1. Back to the heart of it
The heart of Christmas is Christ! This might sound cliche but it’s true. KEEP CHRIST IN CHRISTMAS. Dec 25th was meant to be the start of something good and new. Not the end of a stressful season. We should be trying to carry joy and giving with us all throughout the year not just at Christmas!
Our Lord created us as beings who desire to not just receive love but also to give love. And what’s one of the primary love languages? Giving gifts! Take out some time and intentionally give a meaningful gift to those who may be in need of some love and joy. Showing your love in this way is a good thing and is a surefire way of bringing happiness and getting in the Christmas spirit. It doesn’t even have to be someone you know! Hard as Nails Ministry is doing a Christmas giveaway where we will be taking to the streets with this spirit of giving we will be distributing presents to people in need in areas that might not always get them. This is just one option to spread love, joy, and hope. There are many other ways but if you would like to help give in this way follow this link:

3. Gratitude
Gratitude is possibly one of the most vital parts of the holiday season because it is so easy to get caught up in all the flashing lights (literally), gratitude helps us to slow down and really focus on what’s important in whatever holiday season you are in. I can guarantee that with the right attitude you will be able to see that there is plenty more stuff to be grateful for than there is to be anxious about.


Advent & memento Mori


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