Our immersive events bring the You’re Amazing Message through encouragement, forgiveness, and a new sense of purpose. HN offers dynamic events that engage audiences and encourage enthusiastic participation. Attendees leave with a desire to change and create a better world, starting with being more intentional with the people around them.
Our two founders, Justin Fatica and Brian Greenfield have a unique style that engages participants in a dynamic way and leaves them inspired by the truth that every person is amazing. They challenge every attendee to greater healing by accepting the Cross through forgiveness, thankfulness, and encouragement, which draws them into a deeper relationship with Christ, their families, and their communities.
You’re Amazing Experience
This ticketed event is an active and dynamic encounter for people of all ages to experience a breakthrough that will (re)ignite their relationship with Christ and the Catholic Church. The event features:
A message from Justin Fatica
Catholic Comedian from Comedy Central, Steve Simeone
Live music
Prayer from the HN Missionary Team
And more special surprises.
It's also an invitation to be Baptized and/or Confirmed in the Catholic Church.
School Events (Private + Public)
Catholic school students are impacted with the love of God the Father, by admitting and surrendering their challenges to the mercy of Jesus Christ and receiving the joy of discovering that every person is amazing because he or she is a child of God. Our charism draws these students to a personal relationship with Christ like never before!
Justin Fatica specifically offers Public School events that inspire character development and healing of relationships. Justin demands encouragement, forgiveness, and thankfulness as an answer to the mental health crisis in our youth today; the students are transformed by the truth that they’re amazing and have the power for greater virtue within their lives.
Family Parish Mission
The You’re Amazing Family Parish Mission is a special encounter for every member of the parish. This 3-night event has breakout sessions for each age level, accumulating to a special experience on the final night that bonds the parish families to Jesus Christ and each other like never before.
Men’s Conference
Men’s Conference with our keynote speakers leave all men in attendance motivated to be better fathers, sons, and husbands, through bold authenticity and sensitivity. As strong husbands, fathers, and evangelists, they impact the hearts of men like no one else and challenge them to greatness.
If you’re looking for additional options, we offer other events such as Father/Son Retreats, Evangelization Trainings, Faith and Family Sports Events, Youth Rallies, Confirmation Retreats, Priest Retreats, and more. Please reach out and we will do our best to find something that serves you and your community best.
Missionary-led events are powerful encounters for youth with relatable testimonies, encouragement, and the opportunity to be set on fire in a relationship with Christ. Our immersive missionary-led events bring healing and fulfillment through encouragement, forgiveness, and a newfound sense of purpose. These events offer young students a chance to encounter Christ in a unique way and to hear from young adult missionaries who are on fire for their faith.
Confirmation Retreats
Confirmation Retreats led by the HN missionary team are the best opportunity for youth to enter into a relationship with Christ and grow in anticipation for receiving the gifts of the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Youth Group
Youth Group events with the HN Missionaries bring encouragement and joy into the lives of the youth through the relatability of missionaries testimonies. The youth are led to be authentic about their challenges and surrender them to God in order to live the best life possible.
Catholic School Class Retreats
Catholic School Class Retreats allow for the students to grow in comradery with their classmates and with Christ. Through the witnesses from the HN Missionaries and encounters with the Lord, these students are inspired to grow deeper in their faith life.
Are you a young adult or do you know a young adult in your area who needs encouragement? Fill out the form and a missionary will contact you!