Acknowledge, Appreciate, Accept

By: Missionary Team

The best way for me to become better is to acknowledge the fact that I have an area of weakness that needs improvement. Appreciate your gifts and talents. They are beautiful things that need acknowledgment. But do not let your appreciation become glorification. It is when you begin to glorify your gifts that you beg to glorify yourself and not God, the one that you should be glorified with your gifts. Take compliments. Otherwise, it is as if you are throwing a thoughtful gift into the face of the one who has just given it to you... this is a form of pride.

Accept where you are, knowing that you are where you are meant to be, even if it is not where you want to be. And take advantage of what you are given, accepting what you do and do not have. Do not only try to survive to the end of a day; rather, seek to thrive throughout the day. Take opportunities that present themselves to you.

Do not pass up a chance to love. A loving heart has much to offer, and much to give. Begin each day with a grateful heart, and end it at peace with the decisions that you’ve made throughout it. The story of your life is based on your choices of each day. How do you want to be remembered? Someone once told me “It is good everywhere. If you want it, you will find it. There is also bad everywhere. If you want it, you will find that too. It all depends on what you are seeking.” So what are you looking for? Even more, what do you hope to find? Are you wandering around, or are you seeking? Are you simply wishing, or are you actively pursuing?

At the end of your life, your life is merely defined by who and how you loved. We often base our worth off of how others view us; how others treat us. But let me tell you something... They never gave you your worth, so they can’t take it away. You see, when people wound you or mistreat you, it’s not because you’re worthless or worthless than what they are. It is simply because they fail to see your value. You are worth loving because you are valued and loved by He who is love Himself, and your worth is intertwined within your soul, and cannot be separated. The Lord has given you your dignity, and it cannot be separated from you. Your dignity holds on to you; you must acknowledge it.

So enjoy life. Appreciate that it is a rollercoaster full of ups and downs, and that is what makes life EVENTFUL. Delight in the good things, seek to make the bad better and live a great story.

The day throws things at you, but you are the author of the way you take it. You will meet all kinds of people in your lifetime. Take time to understand the lives of other people, because each person is worth loving and knowing, and has a story worth living and telling. Delight in their life. Every person has been both blessed and wounded. People need to be reminded to be happy. Remind them. Finally, always know that for everything there is always a purpose, and for everything, there is always a reason.


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