Death is Not the End

By: Missionary Team

Have you lost someone dear to you? Are you confused as to why they died? I understand this struggle. Many of us have been there, but I want to give you hope right now. I want you to know that they are not truly dead, they will always live on with Christ in Heaven, your heart, and your memory. It is important to know that death is not the end, only the beginning. Death is the pathway to eternal life. I know it is still hard, but God can always make good out of a bad situation, even death.

I was doing volunteer work at a family camp, and one night there was an accident where one of the girls, whom I had been working with, was hit by a car and died. She was only four years old. Everyone at the camp was devastated, including me. I kept asking: Why? Why her? Why not me? Was she more ready? She was so young... All these things played around in my head. I had not been present when the accident took place, so I asked myself, could I have changed the outcome if I was? All these questions and thoughts continued to play around in my head. Do any of these sound familiar? They’re common feelings, but you cannot blame yourself for something out of your control. You have no reason to feel guilty about it. Trust me, I am speaking from experience. You may not understand why, but sometimes we are not called to understand. Death is not the end. Even though this little girl passed on, she continued to do work by changing the people at the camp. Hundreds of teens wrote letters saying how they were going to change their lives because of what happened. It also brought the community together in a special way as we united to pray. God makes good out of bad.

The Saints show us that death is not the end. How many times have the saints interceded for us from Heaven?? The saints intercede for us, as miracles are worked through their intercession. St. Maria Goretti appeared to her murderer in a dream. Jesus Christ was murdered on a Cross. Three days later, He rose again from the DEAD! Do we need more proof than that? Jesus proves that Death is NOT the END! Death is just the passageway to the next chapter of our life. Earth is not our home, but heaven is. Our true life starts after we die. Yes, it is sad when someone dies. But, if they died in union with God, then they will see His face, and enjoy eternal reward forever in their real life. God will always bring good out of bad. Live for those who have paved the road for us, and be grateful for the time that you had with them. When you feel like quitting, remember when life begins, and those you want to see again and do it for them. Heaven is where real life begins.


A Saint for Our Times


Eeyore and Joy