I Sin too Much to be a Saint

By: Missionary Team

Have you ever thought about becoming a Saint? Let me guess, right now you are saying I am not “holy” enough. I do not work miracles. I am too big of a sinner to ever be a saint.

Well, guess what? You are wrong. Did you know that some of the biggest sinners are the greatest saints?

Read on...

1. The Devil’s Lies:
The devil lies. The first rule to learn. The devil lies and wants you to believe the lies and to be miserable. If anything inside of you is telling you that you will never be a saint, that you are not good enough, throw it out. It is from the devil, not God.

2. Saints are Sinners:
It is true. All the saints were sinners. Maybe only venial sins, but no saint was without sin. St. Jerome struggled with anger. St. Peter, the first pope, struggled with cowardice. St. Thomas, one of the twelve, struggled with faith. These are just a few examples. The bottom line is that the saints sinned. Some of the greatest saints were the biggest sinners.

3. St. Paul:
St. Paul, or Saul as he was called, was a devout Jew. He hated the Christians and used to capture them. They were then martyred. The Bible says that when St. Stephen, the first martyr, was stoned to death, Saul consented to it. The Christians feared Saul. While Saul was going to Damascus to hunt Christians, he had an amazing encounter with Jesus. After this, Saul, now called Paul, became a Christian. He became one of the best-known preachers of the early Church and is a martyr as well.

4. St. Augustine:
St. Augustine lived a life full of sin. He had an illicit relationship when young, and had a son. When she repented and left for a convent, Augustine was left with his son. He wanted to live better but struggled with his attachment to sin. One day, he picked up a book and read from the writings of St. Paul (mentioned above) and read Romans 13:13-14, which spoke about avoiding living in a state of drunkenness and sin. He got help from a holy bishop and both his son and he was baptized. His son died a year later. Augustine became a priest and then bishop of Milan. He is known for his conversion and his many writings. He is now one of the greatest doctors of the Church.

Still, think you are not holy enough? Anyone who dies in a state of grace (with no mortal sin on their souls), will go to Heaven, maybe after Purgatory, but they will be in Heaven, nonetheless. There are many saints that we do not know. You can be a saint too. Ask these saints to help you to live a good and holy life. Find good Catholic people, maybe a priest, to help lead you on the right path. Ask God for help. Frequently partake in the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion. Go and be a Saint!


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