Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

Sharing Your 3 Minutes of Power

Now don’t run away. I know sharing your greatest struggle is scary but hear me out for a second. Before you say no and run, let’s think about why you share your story. You don’t share it for you, you share to help someone suffering.

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

Out of the Ditch

My math teacher was a gorgeous, smart, tall woman. She was everything I wanted to be. Looking back, I realized I didn’t desire to be like her because of her looks or skills; it was her hope and how she knew she was loved; it was a hope I didn’t have and a love I thought I didn’t deserve.

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

The Power of Three

When I reflect on one of the darkest, most difficult times of my life, I’m brought to a time when I experienced multiple miscarriages. I’ve always been a health-conscious person, trying to eat healthy, exercise, and find positive ways to reduce stress. So, when I became pregnant, I eliminated alcohol from my diet (I was an occasional drinker), ate healthy foods, and tried to get adequate sleep. I thought that if I did everything within my power, my babies would have the right foundation from the very beginning. So, as you can imagine, after losing pregnancy after pregnancy, I was left with despair, heartache, and fear.

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

St. Patrick

Once there was a lucky man. Partially lucky because he had great faith, and partially because he was Irish. However, his story starts out with not-so-lucky beginnings…

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

Chasing the Sunrise

The immense gratitude in her eyes was so shocking to me. In my mind, it was a simple, courteous gesture. If she was lost and I had the capabilities to speak to her in a language more familiar to her, I ought to, right?

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