Sinead Guy Sinead Guy

Win It All

Where does fear have the right to grab a hold of our tongue? Where does fear get off to stop us dead in our tracks? How dare you fear! Fear has no regard! Especially in those essential times when we know that truth must be expressed. We need to face them head on... and with love.

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Sinead Guy Sinead Guy

When God is Silent

God does not ordinarily speak in thunderbolts, unfortunately. So, what happens when God is silent?

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Sinead Guy Sinead Guy

The You're Amazing Seat

Behind you, a “Honk! Honk!” from a car is heard followed by a teenager yelling these words: “YOU’RE AMAZING! HAVE A GREAT DAY!” A big black van with yellow lettering that says “You’re Amazing” zips past you with someone hanging out the window waving and smiling at you. For the first time all day, a real smile breaks out on your face. Suddenly the walk home in the cold doesn't seem so bad.

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