5 Ways to Guarantee a Life of Fulfillment

By: Amazing Guest Writer

(According to You’re Amazingby Justin Fatica) Can you honestly say that your life is fulfilled, fulfilled like puzzle pieces perfectly fitted together, like a well-fitted key that slides smoothly into the ignition? Does your life fit into this world? Does it make sense? Do you know why you are here and where you are going? If not, it is probably because you have not heard and taken to heart the loving voice of the Father. It is He who fulfills you. You can let God fulfill you in five simple ways. You have to be real, courageous, prayerful, humble, and encouraging.

1. Be Real
In order for your life to be fulfilling you have to face it with honest sensitivity. So easily we can fall into the trap of avoiding the difficult truths about our lives. Admitting that your intentions for dating someone are selfish, realizing that your parents’ toughness growing up affected you, and coming face-to-face with the fact you have a mental illness, these kinds of things are all challenging realities to admit to others and ourselves. But we have to face them with integrity. A life spent striving to avoid the truth is far from fulfilling. It is like an endless game of “Temple Run” which in the end you know you are going to lose. All you can do is run away. “Whoever walks in integrity will be delivered, but he who is perverse in his ways will fall into a pit.” (Proverbs 28:18) Life can always be fulfilling no matter how many challenges you face. God makes all problems into opportunities. Just look at the Cross. So let Him into your life by being real. Face challenges head knowing God is with you. 2.Be Courageous Being real is terrifying. I often

find myself terrified to face my challenges and talk about them with others. Only by having the courage and taking a leap of faith have I overcome my fear. Courage will change your life forever. So often people aim low in their ambitions in life and settle for mediocrity. But we are reminded, “Little children, you are of God, and have overcome them; for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” (1 John 4:4) Anybody who settles for mediocrity does not love themselves enough. When you love yourself and realize that God has invested in you the power to love, you can no longer settle for mediocrity. Step out in faith to love those around you and see how the world is set ablaze. 3. Be Prayerful Being prayerful gives you a life of fulfillment for one reason: you hear the Father’s voice. It is the confidence that we gain from the prayer which enables us to be real

and courageous. Because He loves you, you are no longer held captive by the chains of shame. Because He loves you, you have no reason to cower in fear. His voice sets you free. All you have to do is listen to it. 4.Be HumbleThe only way we can truly hear God the Father’s voice is by being humble. In prayer, we come to know who God is, and by knowing who God is we come to know who we are. This is true humility. I used to battle with my self-hatred constantly. Nothing I ever did was good enough to satisfy the disgust I felt toward myself. It was through prayer that the ears of my heart were opened to the voice of my Father. He is always speaking to us. All we have to do is take the time to listen. Once we listen, then we know who we are. We are only fulfilled by the Father’s love. That is all. 5. Be Encouraging Once we have received the Father’s love in humility, we can then give it to others. It is not enough to simply latch onto what God gives us. It must be dispersed to others. “Beloved, if God so loved us, we also must love one another.” (1 John 4:11) The Father’s love is the kind of gift that grows as it is shared. We share His love by encouraging others. How often do we take the time and energy to tell and show those around us that they matter? How often do we give gifts, compliments, acts of service, attention, time, and alistening ear? If the answer is “not very much,” then we need to ask ourselves how well do we really know God and ourselves. If we really knew ourselves we would realize what a tremendous gift we can be if we apply ourselves. Start encouraging others, andI guarantee you, your life will be fulfilling.


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