Everyone Suffers

By: Missionary Team

What do you think? Does everyone suffer? Think of the most joyful person you know. Do they suffer? I used to think that if you had enough money, cars, friends, family members, you name it, then you would not be empty and that you would not suffer. I never could have imagined that the same suffering I am currently going through, there is a successful businessman experiencing the same feeling. There was a time when I could not identify what my greatest struggle was in my life. Yettheologically, we know that people suffer. From experience, we know that people suffer. And from our very lives, we know that people suffer. Honestly, everyone suffers. Why theologically do we suffer? I know this is the most boring part. But, on the real, we do not suffer just because God said this is your punishment, and then all of this evil is just inflicted on us. But we suffer because when Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they chose to live life without Him. Think about it. We were made for God. He is the Fulfillment, the Joy, the Remedy, yet humanity chose to be without Him. As a gentleman, respecting our free will, He let us have our way. Leaving a gaping hole in our hearts and in our beings.

Now, God did not just leave us. Rather, He withdrew from the closeness He had at first with us, and now pursues us with everything. However, He is not the only one pursuing us; the devil is also pursuing us with everything. God knowing all, and respecting our free will, limits the devil, and although He allows suffering, uses it. He gives it purpose. Because of the cross, every time we encounter suffering in our lives, we now can either let it kill us, or grow again in union with Christ by suffering with Him. I have met many people over the past two years at Hard as Nails. There are two things that stick out. One is that people who I had feared to ask about their suffering would share the great suffering that they had experienced. When at first I expected to be judged for asking them such a silly question, I found that they were actually encountering suffering that they had been itching to share. The second aspect I found, was that their joy was not dependent upon their suffering. Some of the most joyful people were dealing with great struggles. They were not afraid of their pain, they embraced it and could even be thankful for it. They taught me that you don’t need to be a slave to your feelings. It doesn’t mean that suffering is easier to fight, but there is a purpose to this battle and hope in it. The invitation will always be there for you to joyfully endure your suffering knowing it has a purpose. As crazy as it sounds, I was not always aware of the suffering in my life.

When I first became a missionary, they asked me what was my greatest struggle. I could not name it! Eventually, I saw that it was my insecurity, and how much it truly crippled me. The reason I could not name it was the fact that I was always on the run from it. I didn’t want it to be true. Have you ever done this? Do you know what you are struggling with? I feel you. But now is the time. Call out your suffering by name. Accept that you are struggling. Because you do not have to run from it anymore. Take hold of that suffering and bring it to Jesus. What will this do? What it did for me, was as I found that Jesus had already been suffering with me, as any true friend does. However not only that, but by my present suffering being sacrificed to Him, it is able to console His heart. Jesus will do this for you, your suffering too can console His heart. Everyone suffers. But what can we do about it?
First, have faith and be certain that everyone is suffering and boldly encourage. People often hear what they are doing wrong, but not what they are doing right. “Encourage each other daily while it is still today.” (Hebrews 3:13) Do not wait until the funeral.
Second, share your own suffering and how God has helped you through it. Think of how you feel when you find a partner in suffering. Let people know that they are not alone in their suffering by sharing your suffering, but remember to share the hope and the healing that has been given to you. Everyone struggles, but they are one encounter away from hope and purpose.


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