Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

Choose Joy

Why can't I find happiness in my life? Why must I be depressed, angry, and anxious? These are questions that come into our minds all the time, but everyone keeps saying "I want happiness, but I can't find it." The thing is happiness is actually a by-product of Joy.

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

Does Their Happiness Steal Yours?

Why would St. Paul make a point of instructing the troubled Roman church to practice this habit? Because it bonds people, connects them in love, and requires them to listen well and care for one another.

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

Happy Memories and AM meals

The point of this blog is to share about happiness, pancakes (or any other breakfast item on hand, but preferably pancakes), and a handful of people all rolled into one... which is also known as The Joy Breakfast!

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

The Present Is a Gift

Why is it that people say that? Why do they bring up the past and how bad or good their life used to be? Why can’t these people talk about how good life is right now?

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

Chasing the Sunrise

The immense gratitude in her eyes was so shocking to me. In my mind, it was a simple, courteous gesture. If she was lost and I had the capabilities to speak to her in a language more familiar to her, I ought to, right?

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

Everyone Suffers

What do you think? Does everyone suffer? Think of the most joyful person you know. Do they suffer?

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

Cross of Joy

By our crosses, we learn to rely on God more fully.

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

Eeyore and Joy

I rejected my friend’s view that optimism is somehow ignorance of suffering and that being joyful will pass when things get difficult enough. But what he said stuck with me and it came back most recently because things are happening in my life right now that are difficult, that bring tears to my eyes, and make my shoulders feel like I’m carrying a weight there. I mused on our conversation and decided to reconsider, think, look into my heart and see if he was right after all.

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

Why So Serious?

The second movie had the Joker in it, and he is just such a classic villain. My favorite part has to be the “Why so serious”part, I mean like come on, talk about quotable!

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

When God is Silent

God does not ordinarily speak in thunderbolts, unfortunately. So, what happens when God is silent?

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

The You're Amazing Seat

Behind you, a “Honk! Honk!” from a car is heard followed by a teenager yelling these words: “YOU’RE AMAZING! HAVE A GREAT DAY!” A big black van with yellow lettering that says “You’re Amazing” zips past you with someone hanging out the window waving and smiling at you. For the first time all day, a real smile breaks out on your face. Suddenly the walk home in the cold doesn't seem so bad.

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson


I miss my first-born daughter in a way no one else could possibly miss her. My relationship with her was unlike anyone else’s, and the void in my life and in my family feels so vacuous at times and it’s a very lonely and isolated place to be. The disbelief that the accident actually happened and resulted in Anna’s instant death washes over me again and again. How can it possibly be true?

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

The Importance of Community

There were so many things to look forward to in becoming a missionary, such as traveling, ministry, social skills, and job experience. But the thing that was always on my mind when discerning coming was being part of a community.

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

It's not About Me

I learned to take the focus off me. I was afraid of messing up, stumbling, mispronouncing words, and embarrassing myself. I was standing up to read the Word of God and all that I could think about was myself.

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

How to Workout: Make it a Prayer

If you work out, think about making your workout a Prayer Workout for someone who is struggling. If you want to work out but lack motivation, then try a Prayer Workout and do it for someone else.

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

Your Identity is Bull Crap

If you got injured, who would you be then? If you got kicked out of school, who would you be then? If your family disowned you, who would you be then? Any of these things we typically associate ourselves with could quite honestly be stripped of us at any moment. Even our name!

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

I’m Thankful for my Abuse

Healing and forgiveness can’t happen by yourself. I was trapped in depression, isolation, and loneliness until I took the risk to let someone in. For 12 years, I didn’t tell anyone what I had been through as a young girl.

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