How to Fall in Love with the Word of God

By: MIssionary Team

Have you ever eaten honey? Maybe you have a bee farm, maybe you don’t. Do you put honey in your tea or yogurt? Have you ever spilled it on the countertop and the sticky residue ends up getting on your clothes, surrounding papers, and even the floor? Or maybe later in the day you find it still on your body or in the kitchen even if you thought you cleaned it all up? The struggle is real!

The word of God is like Honey, sweet to the soul and healthy for the body (Proverbs 16:24). Scripture, like honey, sticks with you even when you do not see it. The stickiness reappears and you feel like your morning mess is following you, just as God's voice follows you, and is able to stick with you. Just as we need our morning tea to motivate us, we need our hearts filled by The Father to empower us throughout the day. The Holy Bible is filled with sweet words to encourage us and to renew our hearts.

One can look at the bible as an intimidating book filled with “out of date” lifestyles or words. But really, it is from the Lover of your soul, who has written you a letter of love. Each story is for now, for the very moment you read it. We must first be open to hearing and believing what the spirit is saying. Ask Him: “Oh Sweet Jesus, what do you want to say to me?” The word of truth must become real to you, it must become a blazing fire inside of you.

Tip: Bible before bed, bible before breakfast. Get yourself into a routine of making an appointment with the Lord to hear His voice. Open any book of the bible and read a passage you feel a connection with. Maybe you open up to it or maybe you flip through pages until you find the one. Place yourself on your Daddy's lap and let Him do the rest. Ask Him to speak to you, to have the words take reign in you, and to come alive in your heart and life. Also, do not give up when the sense of frustration arises.

The fine print, the confusing language, and the never-ending places to begin overwhelmed me to the point of not wanting to read the bible. One day, it clicked and now the bible is my rock of truth. I realized was at the point where I wasn't being a woman of my word. So I pushed myself to stand up in front of hundreds of people, asking them to come together and read the bible. I would tell them their identity lies within His words and how the scriptures are a love letter made just for us. But after so much teaching, it started to dawn on me whether I was really diving into scripture.

As a catholic missionary was I letting the Holy Spirit make way into my heart to fill me? Where was my truth coming from? How could I ask hundreds of people I would meet to read the bible before bed and before breakfast if I wasn’t actively doing that? So, during our community holy hour I would ask the closest missionary near me what book I should read in that hour. Slowly, I saw Christ come alive in a way I never experienced before. Now, I have a mirror into my soul as the scriptures reveal the movement of Jesus Christ in me.

We live in a world full of misconceptions, one's perceptions, and unfulfilled words, but please take comfort in God's sweet and healthy words that live in truth. Ask a friend to read with you for accountability and for understanding when you feel lost. When we read the bible we are blessed with the ability to see the world the way God sees it. I beg you to spend five minutes reading His letter to you.... Maybe have a cup of tea sweetened with honey to go with it!


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