How to Take Control of Your Whole-Body Health as a Teenager

By: Amy Collett

Do you take good care of yourself? If you’re like most teens, self-care isn’t at the top of your mind. After all, your parents seem to take charge of your health care and encourage decisions that protect your well-being. But taking control of your own health is an important skill that will benefit you for the rest of your life. The earlier you adopt healthy habits, the easier it will be to follow these habits as you grow up and venture out into the world on your own. Here are four great tips from Hard as Nails to empower you to take care of your own mental, physical, and spiritual health as a teen!

Make Healthy Lifestyle Choices
The best way to take charge of your health is to make healthy choices in your day-to-day life. For example, exercising every day is essential for students who spend a lot of their days seated at a desk. Start working out, try running, or join an after-school sports team to get your body moving. Be sure to fuel your body with nutritional snacks like fresh fruit and nuts. Drink plenty of water throughout the day—bringing a reusable water bottle to school is a great way to stay hydrated. Finally, be sure to care for your mental health by engaging in relaxation exercises when you’re feeling stressed. Yoga, meditation, and deep breathing are all great options!

Avoid Escapism
Avoiding bad habits is just as important as taking healthy steps for your health. One of these bad habits is escapism. If you’re not careful, escapism can quickly turn into a habit of avoiding anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. Modern technology makes it too easy to escape feelings, thoughts, and situations that cause unpleasant feelings. But this habit of avoidance is not a healthy coping technique. Whether it’s playing video games, scrolling on social media, or binge-watching your favorite show, try to take breaks from your preferred route of escapism and spend more time in reality. Eventually, reality won’t feel quite so bad!

Choose Your Own Doctor
How comfortable do you feel visiting your current doctor? If you hate taking trips to the doctor, or you feel like you’ve outgrown your pediatrician, this is your chance to take control of your health and choose a new doctor! TeensHealth stresses the importance of finding a doctor you feel comfortable with. Make a list of everything that’s important to you in a doctor. For example, you may want a doctor who is the same gender as you, respects your views and beliefs, and is familiar with specific health issues.

Focus on Spiritual Wellness
Many teenagers overlook the importance of spiritual wellness. But according to, teens who attend religious services, pray, or meditate frequently are significantly less likely to do drugs or engage in risky sexual behaviors. Young people who practice spirituality are also less likely to experience depression and more likely to have a sense of purpose. Focus on taking care of your spiritual health alongside your mental and physical well-being. One way to do this is by connecting with your faith community. Even if you can’t find an organization that shares your beliefs, you can practice your faith by getting involved in a cause you care about. Meditation, prayer, and spending time in nature can also boost your spiritual health! As a teenager, it’s normal to crave a greater sense of control over your life. As you practice your independence, this is a great time to take charge of your own health. Start making smart lifestyle choices, making your own healthcare decisions, and engaging in activities that support your spiritual wellness. These healthy habits will set you up for success for years to come! Are you looking for ways to share your faith with the world? Consider becoming a missionary with Hard as Nails. Visit our website to learn more and fill out your application form today!


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