Impurity? Never Heard of it - A Look how Secular Culture has Embraced Sinfulnes

By: Missionary Team

What does impurity mean to the secular? Really, what is it? In the sphere of the secular world, there is pretty much nothing that can be considered impure or sexually unacceptable. This statement may come off as quite jarring, but I insist you all listen to the truth behind the blurred lines of purity and impurity in our culture.

Frankly, the answer to why impurity is so accepted comes from very simple and natural desires, but when these wants go unchecked and we let them take authority of God’s place in our lives is when we lose sight of how harmful they are.

As I said above, the root to impurity going unjudged in society is very simple, not some over-the-top conspiracy theory. We all desire to find comfort and fulfillment in life, and we spend our lives searching among the good and the bad for the very thing that can satisfy us.

The good in our lives is God and choosing to follow in His Love to reach eternal happiness in Heaven. The bad is turning to sin, trying to find satisfaction in actions devoid of God’s Love, and this can condemn us to suffer the eternal fire in Hell.

One may ask why anyone would want to choose to find fulfillment in sin when anyone could easily find never-ending fulfillment in God. And the reason for this stems from how we interpret the good from the bad.

Choosing God requires faith and trust that He will preserve us, regardless of the fact that we can’t see Him. However, sin is there to tempt us by making it appear to our senses as capable of bringing us happiness. In the end, sin never makes anyone feel whole, and will only bring about emptiness.

In the case of our society, we have deemed that whatever “feels” good to us is what we should pursue, and if we continue to chase after it, it will consistently make us happy. But the truth of the matter is that feelings and emotions aren’t real, and they also come and go, never being permanent. When we chase after emotions, it is then that we fall into sin and on hard times.

Our culture is in dire need of help because of how deeply rooted it is in believing that we should chase after our feelings, and especially when it comes to sexual acts. Society today is so passive toward impurity, that it practically encourages people to indulge in sins like sex outside of marriage, pornography, homosexual acts, etc.

This is so hurtful to see in our day and age, for those committing these acts are just God’s kids whom He loves and desires to free from their struggles and suffering.

So in closing, please pray for our society, and especially the youth. In these desperate times, the confusion of the world needs light to guide them toward clarity and truth, and this light is God. Throughout history, those who follow in the footsteps of Christ have always been fulfilled.

Look at the lives of the saints, many of whom were also tempted by impurities and pleasures of the world, but they always chose God over these lies. Be strong, trust in God always, for He will deliver us from evil and toward Heaven.


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