It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

By: Missionary Team

‘It’s the most wonderful time of the year...’
Most likely you have heard this line a billion and one times before. But this simple phrase tells a few very important things about Christmas.
Firstly, it speaks about the time of the year that it is. This is important to note because the Christmas season or time only starts on December 24 and goes until thePresentation of Our Lord on February 2. The pre-season before Christmas is called Advent. Advent is a special time to prepare for the coming of Jesus Christ. It is a time to sacrifice and prepares our hearts for Christ to enter into them. It is more than just presents, cookies, and carols. It is truly a beautiful time that can and is easily overlooked. Most people just jump to celebrating Christmas, starting Thanksgiving night, and by the time December 26 comes around, we are all sick and tired of Christmas. But we have to have that special time to prepare; it will make Christmas that much more special!
It won’t be easy. Trust me, I love Christmas as much as anyone. But I also love the beautiful time before Christmas. I love preparing for Christmas with my family. It is so much fun and everyone is in such a good mood. It is truly a great time. People at the stores are smiling and saying ‘no worries’ or ‘you first’. It is such a special time of the year. And this is something that not even Covid can take away. We can still have that special joy and greeting, even when social distancing! It is needed more now than ever!

Secondly, Why is Christmas the most Wonderful Time? What makes it Wonderful?
Personally, I love the traditions that my family has at Christmas time. The cooking and baking we do together. The fact that even throughout the year everyone is off doing school, college, scouts, work, etc. we all come home at Christmas and are reunited together. I have been away, as have my older siblings, since August. Christmas will be the first time our family will be together since then. I love just hanging out and bonding and having that quality time with my family. I love getting together with our relatives and having that time that the holidays make even more special.
Every Christmas Eve, my family reads the story of the Nativity. The next morning, we go to the 8 AM Mass at our Church. We then spend the rest of the day with each other and our relatives. The next week leading up to New Year’s is just a beautiful time to continue spending that time with family; because even if some of them were working before Christmas, they normally can get at least a couple of days off. Gifts... everyone loves gifts, right? That feeling of getting something new, and the excitement or anticipation of what will be inside always brings so much joy. I like receiving gifts too. But, I think that I enjoy giving gifts more than receiving them. I love seeing the excitement and joy in someone's eyes as they open up the gift and get excited about it. I love being able to bring them that joy and to do that for them. I get excited waiting to see their reaction. Not because I want them to say, ‘Wow you're the best! Thanks!’ But to just see the joy in their face. This gives me more joy than receiving gifts.

Most importantly, Christmas is about the birth of the Messiah, our Savior. Think about it for one moment...
The birth of a little baby boy in a manager. Most would say it is nothing important, just a poor kid from poor parents. But this poor kid was the Savior of the universe. Do you realize how important December 25 is?

Without December 25 there would be no Good Friday. Without Good Friday there would be no Easter Sunday, without Easter Sunday there would be no Resurrection, without the Resurrection, there would be no Salvation and no Heaven!

That is how important Christmas is. It is not just time to get gifts and to eat good food. Christmas is about the coming of our God. OUR GOD!!!!! Can you believe that God came to this world for us!? It is unbelievable!! Yet, it is true. This is how important we are to Him. This is why Christmas is so special; because it is a huge moment in the history of Salvation.

“You can never truly enjoy Christmas until you can look up into the Father’s face and tell Him you have received His Christmas gift.”~ John R. Rice

To Sum Up:
Really cherish these moments with your family. Even if your family does the same thing every year, just like mine. These times each year are special. It is important to hold on to them and make the most of them each year. It won't always last, so please cherish these times with your loved ones, because the now and the present is all that we have. We are not guaranteed to make next year special, we just have this year, this time, this now. Make the most of it!


This Christmas, take some time to reflect on the beauty and gift of the Nativity. Take a second to be grateful and to thank God for what He did for us and is still doing.
“Do not be afraid; for behold, I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For today in the city of David, a Savior has been born for you who is and Messiah and Lord. And this will be a sign for you will find an infant wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manager.”
~Luke 2: 10-13


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