Like and Subscribe to the Saints

By: Missionary Team
There are many interests and needs we have and being in a relationship with God is one of them. It is similar to when I am changing the brakes on my car or looking to do an impossible project. Often, I immediately press on youtube and begin browsing for someone who has or is doing something similar to what I am. This is what it is to begin a relationship with a saint. The greatest need you and I have is the need to know Jesus more. I don’t know about you but it is sometimes hard to know who Jesus is. I can go to Jesus and spend time with Him for sure, but it helps when I get to know Jesus’ friends. Saints are successful at truly getting to know who He is. This is something that I desperately want.

There is a saint that has been through what you are experiencing. Did you know that? You can get to know them, and they can pray for you and show you the way. Whether you are addicted to drugs, sex, or porn, or maybe you struggle with depression, anxiety, or the loss of a family member, there is hope. Saints have fought the battles you fight, and they have said yes to what you say yes to. Yet every saint has found God and chosen to love Him even if they had to sacrifice everything. They sinned worse than you, but they loved greater than you too.

So the question is what do you want? On youtube, you know that you want to fix your brakes, learn a dance move, or do a math problem, and you will find someone to follow. Do you want a relationship with God? If you do, then you should find someone who has wanted the same thing and has done it successfully. Find a Saint that you like and just subscribe to them.

Okay, so you are following this saint. There is one that is pretty cool! You have studied their life, and you have found quotes that have left you in awe. But is simply studying their life the only thing I can do? The answer is no. Now you must comment. Saints will always respond in some way, maybe it is not the way you thought. How do you do this? Ask him or her to pray for you. They know God’s desires better than you. They are like when you ask your older brother to ask mom for something. God loves you but a saint has let God love him whereas you have not fully let God love you.

Finally, you must share. Share this saint with others. Because if you are struggling with something, then you are not suffering alone, and there is definitely someone else suffering as well. So share this saint with a friend. This is the importance of a saint. So like and subscribe, and don’t forget to comment. And hey, share it!


Ma Girl - St. Monica


How the Saints Battled Scrupulosity