Living as a Superhero

By: Missionary Team

Growing up I loved the idea of superheroes and other fictional heroes who save the day and are recognized by the world for their noble deeds, and it was that love for them that made me realize how much of a hole I had in my heart to be known as an important and amazing person. I know that there are many who suffer in thinking that they don’t have any worth in this world, and live second or below someone else. I lived through this struggle of feeling I was a side character in life, but I was transformed into knowing I was the main character and hero the whole time.

Now, I want to tell you how each and everyone how to live life knowing our undeniable importance like that of a superhero. In my love of caped heroes, I know many obscure figures and faces, but of all the superheroes I have come across, none of them can reach the staple of writing that is Spider-Man. Without a doubt, Spider-Man is my favorite superhero, but he was also the only one to really show me how important I was as a person, unlike most fictional heroes, Peter Parker didn’t go from being average to incredible, but from average kid to an average kid with incredible powers. This aspect that Spider-Man was always an ordinary guy, with and without superpowers really inspired me.

Even though Peter Parker was a masked hero, he still had the same struggles as you and I all have, but he chose to live by the idea that “With great power comes great responsibility” and we all should live by that message in our lives as well. In order to live as a superhero, and embrace ‘With great power comes great responsibility’, we must realize that whoever we are, we all have unique gifts and talents that can help the world in amazing ways. You reading this could be the person that could cure cancer, or maybe the person to engineer a spacecraft that could put the first man on Mars. Like Peter Parker, he was given the gift to have stunningly spectacular superpowers and protect people as Spider-Man. In finding my own gifts, I searched among my own interests and found what I was passionate about doing, and pondered if this passion was a gift. I highly suggest using this method, as it worked many times in my life. Such as the time I thought and pondered about my love and talent for art, and eventually came to the conclusion that it was indeed a special gift. Another important aspect of living as a superhero is to accept our “great responsibility” in life which is essential for realizing our own unique gifts. As it was covered that you reading this could be a spectacular doctor or amazing rocket scientist, you must push yourself to work at them in order to use them properly in life.

Peter Parker doesn’t always want to risk his physical and social life as Spider-Man, but he does so anyway without pause. I have wasted my talents before, and nothing is achieved, but learning to use them has led to a more fulfilling life. We cannot stand in idleness but must use our gifts to the fullest, therefore making good work of our importance... We all hold so much importance in our lives, but we can never come to realize how amazing we are until we recognize our gifts and put them to good use. If we look at the story of Spider-Man: it is easy to come to an understanding that he recognized his gifts and used them well, and that can be an excellent model to live out our lives. In a similar fashion, I realized my own gifts given by God, and use them today to the best of my ability for Him. We all need to search for our gifts and use them for God, because, we are made in His perfect Image and likeness, and therefore reflect this amazing glory given to us by God.


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