Sinead Guy Sinead Guy

Take up Your Sword

I was to use my sword whenever the devil sent his minions against me. I wasn’t supposed to go and find the enemy, but I was to know, love, and serve God, by protecting my Faith that was given to me.

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Sinead Guy Sinead Guy

Living as a Superhero

Growing up I loved the idea of superheroes and other fictional heroes who save the day and are recognized by the world for their noble deeds, and it was that love for them that made me realize how much of a hole I had in my heart to be known as an important and amazing person.

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Sinead Guy Sinead Guy

When God is Silent

God does not ordinarily speak in thunderbolts, unfortunately. So, what happens when God is silent?

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Sinead Guy Sinead Guy

The You're Amazing Seat

Behind you, a “Honk! Honk!” from a car is heard followed by a teenager yelling these words: “YOU’RE AMAZING! HAVE A GREAT DAY!” A big black van with yellow lettering that says “You’re Amazing” zips past you with someone hanging out the window waving and smiling at you. For the first time all day, a real smile breaks out on your face. Suddenly the walk home in the cold doesn't seem so bad.

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Sinead Guy Sinead Guy

Christian* on the Line!

I honestly thought that it was because when we did pushups or squats, I was always the first to fall. So every time I would mess up, Justin would say to me, “Christian on the line, SPRINT!” I would have to run.

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Sinead Guy Sinead Guy

Born to Die

So, I was thinking about this random idea: what if it was my purpose to die? What if the main reason I was put on this earth, besides to glorify God and get to Heaven, is to die?

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