My Happiness is God's Happiness

By: Missionary Team

Alright, I’m going to do my best to avoid making this blog one of those sappy blogs; you know the ones that go: “God loves you so much, He created you and died for you”. Yeah that’s true and it’s awesome and everything but in our humanity, it’s lost meaning. Somewhere in the translation, we have forgotten that it’s not just that God loves you, it’s all the other ways and reasons why He loves you that we have forgotten.

What if I told you that God doesn’t just love you? As a matter of fact, God is proud of you. Not only is our Lord proud of you but He delights in you. Let me take this one step further. I would go so far as to say, God rejoices in you. I don’t know about you reader, but I get so caught up in trying to figure out how to please God and do His will, that I forget that He is already rejoicing just in my existence!

Everyone knows that feeling of thinking about that person you have a crush on. If you really like them you probably know that feeling you get every time you even think about them for too long. You get excited, you can’t help but smile as your heartbeats a little faster. Well now picture this: Jesus smiling, He’s excited, He is radiating joy, and you could say He is almost giddy. This is how our King gets every time He thinks about you. He takes such delight in you. He looks forward to the day He gets to hold you in His arms again. He can’t wait as a matter of fact till you die. That’s why He gave us the sacraments, so that He might be able to hold us close, even if it’s just for a moment. He takes such delight in you.

But Jesus isn’t like a toxic relationship where you can't go out and have fun. As a matter of fact, it’s quite the opposite. Our Lord is happy when we are happy. When I go out and fish, when I go snowboarding, or when I dive into the ocean it makes him happy because I’m happy. He smiles as I smile.

Just by your desire to make him happy, it pleases Him so much. I forget all too often that I have to do nothing to “make God happy”. All He wants is me. His truest desires are my truest desires. When you get excited about something, just imagine how excited God gets about it. When the Broncos won the super bowl, I can only imagine how happy He must have been purely because I was happy!

There is a misconception that when you grow in holiness you forget the things of the world completely and you can only pray and go to church. That’s wrong! God is as much of a Broncos fan as I am! He doesn’t want me to give it up! He wants me to always love Him above football, but He still desires so much to see me happy and fulfilled. All you need is Him, Love Him above all else; however, that doesn't mean you can’t enjoy his creation. He made it for you after all. He is for you not against you! and Our God rejoices in you!

Isaiah 62:4-5
“No more shall you be called ‘Forsaken,’ nor your land called ‘Desolate,’ But you shall be called ‘My Delight’ and your land ‘Espoused.’ For the Lord delights in you, and your land shall be espoused. For as a young man marries a virgin, your Creator shall marry you; And as a bridegroom rejoices in his bride so shall your God rejoice in you”.


Oh so many Gifts


It’s 4:25 AM