Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

You are ENOUGH

Let me tell you, dear reader, this is crap. I did not need a guy in my life, I didn't need a relationship, and I didn't need those toxic people I surrounded myself with. And what I'm trying to do here is tell you neither do you. You are complete on your own. You are fulfilled without another person

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

Women- Save Your Marriage.

Let me be clear: Divorce was never, ever an option for my husband and me, nor was it even in our lexicon. But there was a time in our marriage when tensions were high, feelings of affection were low, and things had generally broken down. Communication was terrible, and we had ceased assuming the good intent of the other. For my part, I had lost respect for my husband, whom I felt was not "a real man" (gosh, it's hard to type those words!).

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

The Power of Three

When I reflect on one of the darkest, most difficult times of my life, I’m brought to a time when I experienced multiple miscarriages. I’ve always been a health-conscious person, trying to eat healthy, exercise, and find positive ways to reduce stress. So, when I became pregnant, I eliminated alcohol from my diet (I was an occasional drinker), ate healthy foods, and tried to get adequate sleep. I thought that if I did everything within my power, my babies would have the right foundation from the very beginning. So, as you can imagine, after losing pregnancy after pregnancy, I was left with despair, heartache, and fear.

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

In the footsteps of saints

There have been times in my life when I am overcome with a sense that I am on holy ground. My heart is moved with a deep sense of the presence and nearness of our Lord and in my heart I hear an echo of the same words God…

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

Confronting the Black Hole of Despair

Anxiety and panic course through our veins as we struggle to make sense of a world that eludes our grasp at every turn. This occurs in situations like:“How could God let this happen?” “Why won’t these pills make me happier?” “I’m earning more money, but I feel empty”

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

I’m More There Than Here

I want heaven so much more than this cruel world. I didn’t pray to die like I did last Thanksgiving when I was so sick, but I was tempted.

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

Covid and Leprosy a Coincidence...

COVID is a disease that has led our present-day world into a pandemic. It has changed all of our lives in so many ways that have not really left a positive outlook on what is to come, and now people are losing sight of hope.

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

You Have a Father

No matter if your Dad is at home or not. No matter if you get along with him or not. It is true. You have a Father in Heaven who loves you and wants to know you.

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

The Legendary Shockwave

So Shockwave had to find something to focus on to remind himself why he shouldn’t let his anger take control of him. I made it be that he wanted to protect the innocent, his family

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

Sainthood is Not For Me

if I’m alone, I want to watch Netflix. I want to get married and have a family, go camping, go to the beach, go to college. No, sainthood is not for me; you do you - I’m sure you’ll be a great saint - but it is not for me…

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

Real Heroes Blog

what makes someone a Hero?? Is it a cape? Super strength, speed, invisibility? What makes a hero a hero and what makes them “super”?

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

Oh so many Gifts

Each little thing is a gift to you, it was created for you, for you are His beloved. Each little thing reflects His Face, and the more we stop and see these gifts, the more we see and are able to recognize the face of God.

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

My Happiness is God's Happiness

I don’t know about you reader, but I get so caught up in trying to figure out how to please God and do His will, that I forget that He is already rejoicing just in my existence!

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

Living Out the Faith with Mental Illness

I suffer from both depression and an anxiety disorder. When I was diagnosed with these illnesses, I felt a self-imposed pressure that begged some serious questions: If I am a woman of faith, how can I be so anxious? How can I be depressed? If I truly trust the Lord, how can I feel this way?

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson


Does the idea of being resilient seem far-fetched or even impossible? Achieving resilience may not be what you are thinking.

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

A Call to Love

Many may be wondering, like me, “What should I do? What can I do? What is the right thing to do?” And to answer these questions simply – the Christian is called to love.

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

How to Make an Amazing Nation

I believe that each and every one of us can help make an amazing nation, regardless of who gets elected into office, or how our country will change.

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

When God Sent Me a Saint

As for me, it has always been a challenge to stay focused in prayer. As I read this quote, I felt a huge connection to her. I realized that I was not the only one who found it extremely difficult.

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

The Eyes of Christ

It didn’t matter where I was in the room, directly in front of the picture standing up, sitting down, to the left, or to the right, He always looked like He was staring at me and there was love in His eyes.

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

St. Catherine of Siena

To be Hard as Nails does not mean you have to be a missionary or a staff member. To be Hard as Nails means doing what is right, even when nobody else supports you. It means having courage, authenticity, and obedience.

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