Sinead Guy Sinead Guy

With Great Power comes Great Responsibility

Ok, I’ll admit that nothing does quite motivate me like an inspiring and selfless figure, especially if said figure is from a book, tv show, or a movie. More often than not, superheroes usually take that spot as being an encouragement in my life.

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Sinead Guy Sinead Guy

Living Chosen

When you are chosen, it is all about giving up everything for Jesus Christ.

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Sinead Guy Sinead Guy

Why I Believe

Sometimes I get asked the question “Why do you believe?” or “Why do you have faith?”. I reflected on these questions, prayed about it, and came up with the top few reasons that I believe! I think that these reasons can become the template by which we live our lives of faith, believing in our God every day.

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Sinead Guy Sinead Guy

City of God Book Review

For the same reasons the Christians read The City of God 1500 years ago, we can read The City of God today. We must, then, review The City of God under the principle by which it was written.

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