With Great Power comes Great Responsibility

By: Missionary Team

Ok, I’ll admit that nothing does quite motivate me like an inspiring and selfless figure, especially if said figure is from a book, tv show, or a movie. More often than not, superheroes usually take that spot as being an encouragement in my life. I find lots of takeaways from these caped characters, while most would just think they are silly people punching each other in flashy costumes. One superhero that is constantly showing more and more depth as I grow older is the ever-famous Spider-Man. I love the guy so much that I’ve already written why I admire and look up to the character so much (Living as a Superhero). But this time, I really wanted to share how I have related to Spider-Man, and how you, me, and everyone else can be Spider-Man!

When we think of Spider-Man, what comes to mind? Usually it’s Peter Parker, a nerdy kid, who is an underdog superhero who saves the people of New York. It’s normal to think this; I thought that only Peter Parker could be Spider-Man, but oh, was I wrong in thinking that he could be more than one man. I would have to say that the film Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is probably one of my favorite movies of all time, and not just because of all the obvious reasons critics and fans alike have praised it for in the last few years. Yes, it has glorious and unique animation, witty humor, a great soundtrack, excellent writing, etc.

but it also showed how the idea of being Spider-Man could apply to essentially anyone. In the film, we join Miles Morales, a kid just like you and me, and who is tasked with becoming the next Spider-Man in the shadow of the one that had died. Throughout the film, Miles struggles with the high expectations of his normal life and the new, out-of-this-world responsibilities of being a superhero, which is constantly pressuring him and causes him to hold in fear and anxiety. It isn’t until he realizes that he is loved and believed in to do these seemingly impossible things that he finds the courage to take a “leap of faith” to truly become Spider-Man. When Miles accepts his identity, nothing holds him back from confidently swinging into the face of danger while wearing his unique, spray-paint suit.

At this point, you may be asking: “But Miles is just another character, how does that explain how I can be Spider-Man?” I totally get this; Miles is just another character. But what would change if YOU were in his shoes? Miles wants to live a normal, happy life, but he is constantly met with never-ending struggles and challenges. I’m pretty sure that everyone experiences this because I know I have. Even the Spider-Man aspect of Miles’s life is an exaggeration of the duties and responsibilities of his normal life.

Finding the courage to excel in life and overcome fears is the same as facing down the biggest, baddest cabal of villains alone. I’m faced with lots of challenges and struggles, which are hard to fight through, but in finding courage like Spider-Man, I can overcome them. Everyone struggles, just like Miles, but until we can find our confidence, we will never beat them.

So, how do we find this courage to beat our struggles? Well, let’s look at how Miles did it. It was the acknowledgments from his Dad and those around him, that they loved him and knew that he was capable of incredible things, and that he overcame his suffering. Now, not all of us may believe we have someone in our lives to express this love and support, but there is always someone there who loves and encourages us.

And through this person, I overcame some of my hardest sufferings. This person was God! I have felt so alone before that I believed that I had no one to turn to or that would understand me, but I asked God for help in my struggles. Eventually, I felt in my heart that He Loved me and believed in how I would live out the plan he set forth for me! After that moment, I knew that my suffering would be great, but God’s Love and Strength inside me would overcome the hardship and bring glory from it.

If you accept God’s Love in your life and find the courage to fight onward, you will be capable of being a hero like Spider-Man! Finding this confidence in God will always work, and that is no lie. This trust in God for confidence has saved me so much, and I encourage you to have faith as well. I believe every one of you can be a hero like Spider-Man, so do not even try to hold back. Run into the face of your suffering with trust that God will get you past it in a brilliant display!


You Have a Father


What God really means when He says "Ask and you shall receive."