Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

A Word About the Culture

I have had numerous friends reach out to me and with pure hearts, asking me how I am processing everything that is going on. Out of all of the discussions and interviews I’ve had, the two questions that I have been asked the most are, “How is this different?” and “How do we move forward?”

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

Advent & memento Mori

Adventus literally means “coming” or “arrival.” So yes, the word refers to the preparation or the coming of Christ in Christmas, but it also has another meaning for the second coming of Christ

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

Stop This . . . “Good Kid” Crap

GOD SAVED MY LIFE by leading me to a few young guys at my new church…I soon realized that it was because they knew who they were and they knew where their worth came from. They knew they were sons, sons of the living God, their true Father.

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