Sinead Guy Sinead Guy

How to Make an Amazing Nation

I believe that each and every one of us can help make an amazing nation, regardless of who gets elected into office, or how our country will change.

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Sinead Guy Sinead Guy

Rocks 'n Rapids

In a split second, it was too late for such a plan, as I slipped off the rock that I was standing on and into the rushing currents. Now, at this moment, it would have made the most sense for me to freak out. Yell!?! Scream for help!!! DO SOMETHING!!!! But I didn’t. Instead, I was noticing the trees around me, the beautiful sky, and birds flying overhead.

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Sinead Guy Sinead Guy

Why I Started Homeschooling

Were we giving our children a daily catechism lesson? Were we attending mass more than our Sunday obligation? Were we faithfully praying a daily rosary? The answer to all three of these questions was, “No”. But I also knew that just doing these things would not be enough

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