Sinead Guy Sinead Guy

How My Life Drastically Changed

I slipped into this dangerous cycle of maintaining control and creating future plans for myself. I allowed myself to continuously daydream and visualize about my future timeline which was nonexistent in that moment… I was pretty confident in the plans I had made, but something just felt a little off. Deep in my heart, I knew something just wasn’t right.

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Sinead Guy Sinead Guy

Bad or Hurt?

It has been said that “hurt people, hurt people”. This is so true. When someone is hurt and is trying to cope, they hurt people.

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Sinead Guy Sinead Guy

Sweating Out Depression

I had a good life; I was a good kid. But the battle I faced with depression filled me with shame. It was exhausting to pretend I was fine, joyful and the bubbly life of the party when I was really crying myself to sleep several nights a week.

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Sinead Guy Sinead Guy

Mary, My Mother

When I encountered the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe, it was like I was hearing and seeing for the first time.

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Sinead Guy Sinead Guy

The Truth About Friendship

My whole life I’ve expected others to not let me down, for friends to be faithful, for them to understand me and want me in their lives. The problem is that’s not reality. It’s hard for me to accept, but the truth is that I let people down too.

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