Sinead Guy Sinead Guy

Ma Girl - St. Monica

That, if my children fall, marital hardships come my way, or I struggle to trust in God, I'll know there is hope amidst the struggle....and she taught me that. "Nothing is far from God!" - St. Monica

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Sinead Guy Sinead Guy

The Ark of Mary's Heart

“It’s time to enter the sanctuary of the Immaculate Heart of Mary”. Riding out a storm takes on a whole different meaning when you are in a safe place. It’s time to enter the ark not made by human hands. It’s time to enter the ark God is providing for you and me at this time in history.

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Sinead Guy Sinead Guy

Mary, My Mother

When I encountered the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe, it was like I was hearing and seeing for the first time.

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Sinead Guy Sinead Guy

How to Help Your Children Grow

We all love our mothers. Well, at least we all should love them. I care for my mother deeply, but that doesn’t excuse the fact that we don’t always see eye to eye with each other, as many others struggle within their own families… Regardless of all the arguments my mother and I have, there are many more instances of the choices she made in raising my family with my father, and they truly helped me grow into the man I am today.

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Sinead Guy Sinead Guy


I miss my first-born daughter in a way no one else could possibly miss her. My relationship with her was unlike anyone else’s, and the void in my life and in my family feels so vacuous at times and it’s a very lonely and isolated place to be. The disbelief that the accident actually happened and resulted in Anna’s instant death washes over me again and again. How can it possibly be true?

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