The Ark of Mary's Heart

By: Guest Writer

Five years ago I went on a 500-mile walk in Spain on a pilgrimage called “The Way” or “The Camino”. It was a small miracle to get 43 days to do this. Most pilgrims take 30 days, but I did not want to rush. The very first day I said, “OK God why did you allow me this gift? What’s the message? I didn’t “hear” a thing, but my thoughts were directed to the blessed virgin Mary. I did not have visions or hear any voices nor did God text me. But from day one, and for all 43 days and all 500 miles, I had an inner sense that reminded me of times when I was at the ocean and I felt the water lifting me like when a wave rolled by. The number one overall message that rose in my heart was this: “It’s time to enter the ark”. That message continues to come back over and over in my heart and mind these past five years. In light of what our nation is going through today and how it is affecting individuals, marriages, families, and the world, that message only gets stronger. I’ll say it another way: “It’s time to enter the sanctuary of the Immaculate Heart of Mary”. Riding out a storm takes on a whole different meaning when you are in a safe place. It’s time to enter the ark not made by human hands. It’s time to enter the ark God is providing for you and me at this time in history.

Last year I was told about an approved apparition from Argentina in the 1990s. “Maria de Luz” told church authorities that Jesus had appeared to her and urged her to tell the world: “It’s time to enter the ark.” A second theme was impressed on my heart at about the halfway point of my pilgrimage, and it too has only grown stronger. I feel an urgency to call as many men as possible, young and old, married and single, and to tell them it’s critical they learn and begin to stand in the proper place as men. We men are called to shepherd, protect and defend those entrusted to our care. We all know women can be the fiercest defenders of the family - you recall the saying: “Don’t mess with mama bear”! But men are still called to be the first defenders – we are the ones meant to take the first hit in defense of our families. Young single men – accept and prepare for this aspect of your vocation as men now, and young single women give no time to any young man who does not accept this. If this most basic truth is embraced or rejected it will result in profound blessings or aggravation in your future family life. More than one exorcist tells me the enemy of our families can do great harm if a man doesn’t exercise his God-given authority against the enemy. A husband holds the authority of a bishop in the domestic church, and in this home church, a wife holds the authority of a priest. When a man, taking his place of authority seriously, orders any spirits of lust, fear, anxiety, rebellion, or dread to “Leave my family alone”. Those spirits must obey. But first, they will want to know if he actually has such authority. He does. Next, the spirits test to see if he will give up. He must not. When a man fails to stand in his place of authority, the woman must step up and exercise her authority. This is not because God is legalistic, but because the enemy is. We are likely in for a bumpy ride as the battle between the Church and anti-church intensifies, but if you enter and remain in the ark of Mary’s heart, be of good cheer. In the end, she will triumph and there will be a new springtime in the Church. Here in the ark of Mary’s heart, each of us can learn how to be a type of ark for others in our lives.

A prophetic utterance can both challenge and encourage. So here are three that encourage me:
1) Our Lady of Good Success – Quito, Ecuador (Early 1600) - approved for nearly 400 years, The Virgin Mary spoke back then for the people of the 20th century. She said times will be rough. The innocence of children will be all but lost. The church will be rocked with scandal. Laws would be passed that would greatly undermine the sanctity of marriage – but tell the world “do not give up" as just when all seems paralyzed and lost, she will – under the title of Our Lady of Good Success, help bring about a complete restoration of the Church and the world.
2) Fatima: Mary told the children that in the end, her Immaculate Heart would triumph.
3) Flame of Love to Elizabeth Kindleman (Hungary 1962) The Virgin Mary told Elizabeth “This Flame of Love in my heart is Jesus Christ. God the Father allows me to pass this Flame of Love to your heart. It blinds Satan. God the Father also allows you to pass this Flame of Love to other hearts. This flame that ignites here in Hungary will encircle the globe, Satan will be blinded, chained, and it will mark the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart”. I love this last one because it says something about God’s plan to confound the enemy through humble souls and the light of Christ. Each of us is called to help pass along this Flame of Love.

So do not look for peace or answers from Network News or Social media – YOU be that center of peace someone close to you needs right now. Do not be dismayed at the rise of scandal or conflict among our Church leaders because this is the hour of the domestic Church. YOU are the witness of holiness you have been waiting to see in the Church. Do not lose hope when all seems lost. All is not lost. If we enter the ark it will be that much easier to remain steadfast and trust. All aboard! The ark is cutting steadily through the waves and the storm with a confidence that comes from God alone. Destination: A glorious Triumph the world has never seen before.


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