Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

With Great Power comes Great Responsibility

Ok, I’ll admit that nothing does quite motivate me like an inspiring and selfless figure, especially if said figure is from a book, tv show, or a movie. More often than not, superheroes usually take that spot as being an encouragement in my life.

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

Bad or Hurt?

It has been said that “hurt people, hurt people”. This is so true. When someone is hurt and is trying to cope, they hurt people.

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

Top 5 Inspirational Superheroes

but at the end of the day, it’s the encouragement and positive messages that are brought to the viewers. Here, I have compiled a list of the top five superheroes that I believe to be the most inspirational, not only to my life, but many others as well.

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