“Who do you need to have Mercy on?” Divine Mercy Chaplet HN Style

By: Missionary Team

The Divine Mercy chaplet was first taught to St. Faustina by Jesus Christ Himself. It was meant to pray for sinners for their conversion and to appease the Just Wrath of God.

“Who do you need to have mercy on?”
This is the first question before the prayer is started. Who? You need to have mercy on those who persecute you or those who, for Pete’s sake, annoy you. Mercy is freely given. God has mercy on us constantly, and all He asks us to do is have mercy on those that we feel don’t deserve it. The DivineMercy Chaplet is offered up for that person/persons that you need to have mercy on. Whether it’s a friend, a family member, an enemy, or even yourself, you must have mercy.

“What sins are you struggling with?”
We all struggle with sins, every one of us; from the vice of anger to the vice of lust, we all have a sin that we struggle with. At this question, you are asked to bring your struggle to the light to let your community know that this is what you need prayers for to overcome. You cannot overcome sin on your own you almost always will need help, either from those around you or from God Himself. Bringing up your struggle may not always be easy but doing so is humbling and can, honest to goodness, help a lot with your struggle. Bringing it to the light is a step in the right direction to help with combating your struggle.

Jesus, I trust in You
After you bring the person that needs your mercy and your struggle to the Altar, the prayer may commence. Placing your trust in Jesus you ask Him to have mercy on you and on the whole world. “For the Sake of His sorrowful Passion. Have mercy on us and on the whole world.” “Have mercy” is what we utter to God, with faith that He will indeed hear our prayer. Mercy is something that everyone desires to receive, so it is our job to give it to them, even if they don’t have mercy on us in return. If someone has wronged us and we struggle to have mercy on them think about how God has mercy on us. He sent His Son into the world to die on a cross for our sins, and we offended God on literally every level. The just thing would be for all of us to be incinerated on the spot, but God has mercy on us and refrains from doing just that.

Eternal God in Whom Mercy is endless
As baptized Catholics, we are commanded to go and make disciples of all nations, but we can’t do that unless we are willing to have mercy on those that wronged us. “Then Peter approaching asked Him, ‘Lord, if my brother sins against me how often must I forgive him? As many as seven times?’ Jesus answered, ‘I say to you, not seven times but seventy-seven times.’” Matt 18:21-22 Jesus asks us to forgive one another of any and all offenses especially those that are directed against you personally. Mercy is a most beautiful thing and it is much needed in this world today.


Cross of Joy


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