By: Mission Team

I'm from Bronx, NY and the most common way to get around the Bronx is to use public transportation, but our system isn't always the safest form of travel at any time of day, and especially during the school year. One day after school in my Freshman year of high school, I had to take the bus, and just like any other reckless kid from the Bronx, I loved to sit in the back of the bus because that's where all the “fun” and “interesting” people sat. As I was getting closer to my neighborhood I saw about 5-6 sketchy characters come into the bus; however, I didn't pay much mind to it as everyone in the Bronx is sketchy looking. The group began to speak and described how they wanted to jump some kid, and I started getting excited because I had a VIP seat to watch this fight.

As the group continued talking, I realized at that point that they were talking about me. I began to play in my head how I would be able to fight them, but this all changed when I heard one of the group members saying “should I poke him?”, which in Bronx slang means “should I stab him?” My heart dropped and my adrenaline started to pump because all that went through my mind was: “I'm going to die in the back of this bus!” At this point in my life, I hated religion, and, most importantly, I hated God, because throughout my childhood it was always such a hassle to go to church or stay focused on pursuing my faith. For the very first time in 5 years, I prayed. My prayer was literally a call for help: “God, I beg of you that you let me live, allow them to take anything they want, even hurt me, but just let me live, Father!” When the bus stopped, the whole group punched and kicked me, but not once did they pull out the knife on me. I really believe that God heard my prayer and was protecting me because even though I got punched and kicked, I didn't really bruise at all. By the grace of God, the group ran out of the bus and I got home safely. I know that in that moment, God was showering me with all his love.

I am very grateful, not only because I’m alive or because they didn't steal anything, but mainly because God loved me so unconditionally that He would save me, regardless if I loved Him or not. To this day I'm still growing, and one of the things I still need to change is allowing God to take care of everything and to not worry about my situation. I strive to live my life by the scripture passage, Matthew 6:34, which says “do not worry about tomorrow, tomorrow will take care of itself; sufficient for a day is its own evil”. I love this Bible verse because it reminds me to stay grounded in my faith and to give all of my joys, pains, and sufferings each day up to God.


It will be okay, I promise.


The Chicken and the Wiccan