Beautifully Broken

By: Missionary Team

What does it mean to be “Beautifully Broken”? Take a minute to sit down and just reflect on your life, every aspect of it: the good, the bad, and the ugly. The bad and the ugly are what make us “Beautifully Broken”, not the good.

From the moment Christ breathed life into our souls, He had a plan for our life. This plan turns into our story, the story that is filled with cherishable moments, but also holds the wounds that are on our hearts.

These wounds play such an important aspect as to who we are because they form us to become “Beautifully Broken”. “The bad” is the shame that we hold onto in our hearts. Those things that resurface and make us doubt the mercy Christ has for us. For me, my failures are the things that continue to come back and make me fall.

These falls make me think I am unworthy of the forgiveness Christ tries to pour out upon me. I always ask myself, “I failed Him, so why should He forgive me time and time again?”.

It is a vicious cycle that continues to haunt me. “The ugly” are the parts of our story that we allow ourselves to be seen as. It is those moments we look in the mirror and are disgusted by who we are.

In my own life, my own story was my eating disorder, because that what led me down a long, dark, and unbeatable road. I eventually got pushed into the partying culture, which made things even worse. And at the time with my eating disorder, I was losing lots of weight, and it was giving me a very noticable body shape that was beautiful in the eyes of the world. This culture I was now part of caused me to lose my faith entirely, making my main focus to be guys and being the life of the party.

Now when I would go look into the mirror, all I would see is the ugliness I allowed myself to become. We can see how the good is a great thing to have because that is most likely what got us out of the bad and the ugly.

You see, everyone has those moments that hurt and form into scars, which is what makes us broken, but if you really think about it, it is also what makes us beautiful. It is our story. Our stories show the fight we have fought through to get us to those points of the good in our lives. It is the redemption we receive because it shows how Christ has allowed us to radiantly shine through the mistakes we have made and turn them into our glorious victory.

As a Daughter of God, it does not mean I am called to be perfect, but to follow Him. At times, I will fall, but I get back up again because my eyes are fixed on him, who is the way, the truth, and the light. Today, I have made that commitment to surrender my life to Him, because He is my Heavenly Father who loves me very much. Wear your scars on your sleeve, because it shows your fight in this life, proving you too are “Beautifully Broken”.


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