Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

Sharing Your 3 Minutes of Power

Now don’t run away. I know sharing your greatest struggle is scary but hear me out for a second. Before you say no and run, let’s think about why you share your story. You don’t share it for you, you share to help someone suffering.

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

The Best You Can Be

Habits use a different part of the brain than making decisions. Therefore, when you begin, it is not a choice, but once it is recognized, you can choose to quit it at that moment. Sometimes what will help is simply asking a friend if you do it all the time.

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

Win It All

Where does fear have the right to grab a hold of our tongue? Where does fear get off to stop us dead in our tracks? How dare you fear! Fear has no regard! Especially in those essential times when we know that truth must be expressed. We need to face them head on... and with love.

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

Do I Pray Correctly?

Thoughts are running through your head of inadequacy because you feel as though you are failing in your prayer life. And you begin questioning how people seem to hear God in their life often.

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

The Present Is a Gift

Why is it that people say that? Why do they bring up the past and how bad or good their life used to be? Why can’t these people talk about how good life is right now?

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

5 Ways to Guarantee a Life of Fulfillment

Does your life fit into this world? Does it make sense? Do you know why you are here and where you are going? If not, it is probably because you have not heard and taken to heart the loving voice of the Father. It is He who fulfills you.

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

The Girl with a Nothing Box

A Nothing Box is a place where you can literally just sit and think about nothing, literally absolutely nothing. For girls, this is so difficult because our minds are constantly running through so many thoughts about different situations…Our minds are very scary places to be stuck in, which is why I am so blessed to say I have a nothing box.

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

Beautifully Broken

As a Daughter of God, it does not mean I am called to be perfect, but to follow Him. At times, I will fall, but I get back up again because my eyes are fixed on him, who is the way, the truth, and the light.

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