The Girl with a Nothing Box

By: Missionary Team
A Nothing Box is a place where you can literally just sit and think about nothing, literally absolutely nothing. For girls, this is so difficult because our minds are constantly running through so many thoughts about different situations. These could consist of things we need to get done in the day, future plans, conversations we need to have, or even roleplaying different scenarios. Our minds are very scary places to be stuck in, which is why I am so blessed to say I have a nothing box.

You may be wondering why it is so special to me. Well, let me tell you. You see, girls usually don’t have a “nothing box” developed in their brains; it is typically only a guy thing to have. In other words, a nothing box can be described as a blank stare or zoning out. Typically, guys get racked for not having full attention in a conversation missing bits and pieces of what
people are saying. I, as a girl, have the beautiful ability to zone out and escape to my nothing box. It is a blessing but also a curse. It can be a curse because sometimes you may be having a beautiful, deep conversation with someone, and bam, a zone-out happens. This makes the other person feel hurt and offended because you are not fully present and alert during the conversation. It then leads to a whole series of events that would honestly be easier if you didn’t zone out. The good part about this nothing box is it helps relieve a lot of my emotional states. Living in a community can bring on many frustrations from being surrounded by many personality types. It can bring on different hurts and frustrations, but also so much joy. But the negative vibes brought upon you can tear you down in more ways than one. In moments like these, it’s beautiful to have a nothing box because it can be used as a personal escape, allowing you to cool down so matters don’t get worse.

My nothing box has put me in many different situations, but honestly, I wouldn’t trade it for anything because it makes me uniquely me. God made each of us in his image and likeness which is honestly such a beautiful thing. He thought each one of us deserved to be on this earth in our own ways because that is who He created us to be. This also means that we have different traits and qualities that make us unique. I would not trade my uniqueness for anything, because I love myself because I was created by a king who calls me his daughter. So yes, my nothing box can put me in different situations, not always good, but who would I be without her random zone-outs or spacing out? Accept who God made you to be and show mercy to those with different qualities that may rub you the wrong way, because, in the end, they may not be able to change anything about it.


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