Consecration to St. Joseph

By: Missionary Team
There are many different types of consecrations, which all in the end lead us to a closer relationship with Our Lord. A consecration is an act of interesting oneself to another, and it is no different in the Consecration to St. Joseph. In this form of consecration, we recognize Joseph as our spiritual father. And as our spiritual father, we desire to imitate his profound holiness and intimacy with God. When we read the gospels and really sit with them and pray with them, we begin to see the profound humility and simplicity of this great saint. And if we think about it, St. Joseph had a profound job given to him by God.

Fathers are their children’s first example of who God the Father is. Fathers must live so as to be an example of God the Father’s Love and Protection. That’s a huge job and a huge responsibility. If there is a lack of fatherhood which we see so often, and it can lead to a distorted idea of who God really is. There are stories of missionaries who couldn’t explain or
even call God a father when they first started ministering to individuals because the people they ministered to lacked true fatherhood so much. St. Joseph was Jesus’s first example of who God the father was. Imagine if that was your job. It was your job to be the second person of the Trinity’s first example of God the Father. Out of all the men God could have picked, God chose St. Joseph. How could we not want to learn more about this man? Learn more about his love, his humility, his strength, and his peace. He truly must be an example of what it means to be a true Christian man if he was called to model it for Jesus.

I think every Christian man should consecrate themselves to St. Joseph. It can do nothing but help them grow closer to Christ and into more of a Christian man. St. Joseph loved our Lord in an intimate way, for he was his father, yes foster father, but Jesus wouldn’t have gone around calling him that, Jesus would have called Joseph “Abba” or “Dad.” So if we consecrate ourselves to him, he will teach us to love his Son as he did. A great book that can lead us to the consecration to St. Joseph is Consecration to St. Joseph by Fr. Donald H. Calloway. It is a 33-day structure that will prepare you for your
consecration to St. Joseph. Another great book that I love, and that is really good at revealing St. Joseph’s heart, is the. Rejoice! Advent Meditations with Joseph by Mark Toups. Both books are really good and I hope to read them both again someday to learn more about this great hidden saint.


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