The Moon and the Sun

By: Auther

Look up at the night sky. What do you see? The stars? The moon? Isn’t it beautiful? Have you ever thought about how the moon works or what it is representing? The moon reflects the light of the sun. During the day, the sun and the moon are both out, but the sun is so strong that you can not see the moon. But, during the day, the moon is taking in the light from the sun, as solar panels do. When the sun goes down and the moon can finally be seen, the light that is given off from the moon is the light that it received from the sun. The moon just reflects the light of the sun. It always has. So why do I bring this up? I want to tell you about two people who reflect off of each other and are just like the sun and the moon. These two people are Jesus and Mary.

Jesus Christ is the sun, strong, bright, radiant, and beautiful. He gives light to our days so that we can see the road to walk to Him. He is stronger than all the warm rays that the sun gives. The sun is radiant and beautiful but Jesus is more beautiful and radiant than you could ever believe. If you look at the sun, you could go blind. But if you saw Jesus in all of His glory, you would not be able to look at Him let alone stand. The Prophets and Apostles couldn’t even do that. Remember the Transfiguration? When Jesus was transfigured in all of His glory, Peter, James, and John fell on their faces, unable to look at Him. Mary is like the moon, gentle, soft, and beautiful. She approaches us kindly and gently. She is there as a mother. Mary is beautiful. Those who have had the honor of seeing her are just struck by her beauty and radiance. Yet there is still another way that Jesus and Mary are like the sun and moon. As I mentioned above, the moon reflects the sun. Mary reflects Jesus. Jesus loves us with His whole heart, unreservedly, so much. Mary reflects the Love that extends from Her Son, Jesus. Mary is the moon, reflecting the light of the sun, Jesus. Mary does this perfectly. And she leaves us an example to follow.

We are called to be like Mary. We are called to reflect the light and the love of Jesus Christ. No, we cannot do it perfectly as Mary can. But, we can do our best. We must reflect the light that Jesus gives to everybody we meet. We need to reflect the Love that Jesus gives us and give that Love away to everyone that we meet. It is not an impossible feat. Go to Mary, she will show you how to reflect Her Son’s glorious light. Mama Mary, help us to reflect the light of Your Son to all that we meet so that Christ’s Love to everyone that we meet!


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