Crucifix - The Image that Will Change Your Life

By: Missionary Team
Growing up, I glanced at many crucifixes. Whether I was at my Church, in a dining room, or even in my bedroom, they were present in so many places. Because I saw this image everywhere I went, I knew it was important. But why? What made it a greater image than just a cross? In fact, isn’t it more realistic if the cross is empty since Jesus was taken down, resurrected, and ascended to heaven? Wouldn’t a simple cross be a sign of victory, and the crucifix the sign of the fallen past? Yet, sometimes to appreciate the victory, you need to gaze upon the brutal, ugly, yet glorious battle. When I gaze upon the crucifix, I see that I am not suffering alone. Yes! Jesus saved me. He stretched out His hand to me, and now I must answer by choosing to reach out, gripping it with all my heart. However, there will still be suffering. There has not been one human who has not suffered! Everyone does. We are made for God, but we do not fully have Him. On top of that, there is much suffering that we can’t control. What is that uncontrollable suffering in your life? Whatever it is, Jesus endured it first. The crucifix not only shows me that I am not the first one to endure my suffering, but it is an image of Jesus actually suffering with me. Time does not exist with God, for He is still with you, He suffers with you, and He has not forgotten you.

When I gaze at the crucifix, I know my life has a purpose. On the cross, Jesus was not held captive to humanity, rather, He gave himself as a gift to humanity. And every time I look at a crucifix, it reminds me of why I exist. That being, to empty myself as a gift, and to leave nothing for myself. It reminds me that the greatest thing in my life is not me, for our purpose is bigger than ourselves! Jesus wants you to become Him. Therefore, this is who He is, a gift. How is He calling you to empty yourself, and what are you still keeping to yourself in your life? Jesus wants it. Not only that, He wants you to empty yourself for others. When I gaze at a crucifix, I know that I am wanted, And I know that Jesus loved me before saving me. But that’s just it, He loved me too much to leave me fallen. Jesus chose the burden of His suffering so that I could again be with Him as He destined me to be. However, it was not pleasant. He asked the Father, “My Father, if it is not possible that this cup pass without my drinking it, your will be done!” (Matthew 26:42). In my life, the greatest wounds I’ve experienced have been from believing that I was a burden and that I am not wanted. Yet here, Jesus is telling you, not that you are not a burden, but that despite you being a burden, He says, “I want you.” You are worth the inconvenience! Do not doubt it. You are wanted.

Next time you glance at a crucifix, simply stop. Pause your day, and just gaze at Jesus for ten seconds. Be comforted, for He is suffering with you. Be challenged, and empty yourself as Christ emptied Himself. And be encouraged, because, He wants you. In just those ten seconds, if you listen, Jesus will speak one of these things to you.

Ten seconds, and your life can be changed.


Exodus 14:14

