Five Ways to Deal with your Hatred Towards the Coronavirus!

By: Justin Fatica

Just yesterday, I sat and thought “Lord how am I going to deal with this Coronavirus?” I went on my weekly FB Live, I prayed the Angelus, I prayed the Divine Mercy, I spent an hour in prayer, and I prayed the rosary with my family. I asked God, “why are we in this mess?” I thought. . . I pondered . . . and then a colleague (Sarah Swafford) said something to me. “If the devil can’t make you bad, he will make you busy.”

That is what the devil (I am sure with all of us) has done. We are all so busy. We are busy with sports, meetings, travel, and everyday life. This is the challenge. I am personally busy running a non-profit, speaking, training young people, and with my family. I realized that day that I need to stop HATING CORONA! I need to love the virus. Of course, not what it is doing to people. I need to stop hating the bad news that it seems to give us, that we need to stay at home to protect others and embrace that something beautiful is happening. We are coming in full contact with the Divine Creator who is asking us a beautiful question: Do you love me? Do you love me? Do you love me? If the answer is yes, then we need to love what the situation the virus is doing to us. We are going to accept the realization that He (that is God) wants us to find out who He is in a deeper way.

Here are five ways to deal with your hatred of the virus:

1. Embrace it.
Find ways to go deeper in your prayer life and family relationships.
2. Reach out.
Find ways to reach out to loved ones in quarantine or to look up someone you haven't talked to in a while and encourage them.
3. Stop Complaining.
They say that every negative word wastes 50% more of your mental energy than a positive word.
4. Serve others.
Find ways to be helpful around the house. Do a project that your wife or a family member has been asking you to do for a while.
5. Be Thankful.
Find one time during the day to appreciate a breath of fresh air and be thankful for it or spend 5 minutes a day and have your family share their gratitude together. We do this in my family, and it is great exercise.


Finding the Light Amid Darkness


“It’ll be okay, I promise.”