Kick Depression in the Face by ‘Getting’ These Three Things

By: Missionary Team

I’ve felt like ending my life before, but God was there for me. He taught me these three things, and by getting them I kicked my depression in the face. You can do it too.

1. Get Mad
If you are going to get out of depression, you need to let yourself feel the things you are actually feeling and let those feelings move you to do safe/productive actions. Workout, sing, play music, punch a punching bag, laugh, etc. Releasing the tension you feel inside by doing things like these helps you relax inside. Depression often strikes when we strive to keep tension and anger within without channeling it in a positive way.

Tension and anger can be great gifts. They are interior energy that we have, and to put them in motion in productive ways is life-giving and beautiful. Depression is a gift because it gives people the ability to care more than others.

2. Get Stupid
What it takes to kick depression in the face is admitting that you are not thinking rationally whenever depression sets in. Get dumb, ladies and gentlemen! We can be so prideful thinking that all the people around us who love us are wrong about our worth. But we are not thinking rationally. Your mind is not working correctly. Once you commit yourself to what is good (like God, family, friends, your passion, etc) you have to stick with it.

Depression will set in and make you question what you previously knew what was right and true. It will make you doubt people’s love for you, your self-worth, your significance to others, and your future. To put it simply, depression is irrational. It makes no sense for you to be overly sad, despairing, and unpassionate. So get dumb.

3. Get Others
Depression is no joke. Its most deadly tactic is to isolate you to the point that no one else can help you see that your life has value. The most important person in your life who will always tell you the value of your life is God. God is not scared of your depression, nor is He scared of the things your depression makes you believe or even do.

"Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28) If your depression is really kicking in and making you think, feel, or do anything scary, give it to God in prayer. I do it all the time. God also gives you the right people in your life to be there for you. But you have to seek them out. You have to talk about what you are going through. You are not burdening people. You are providing an opportunity for others around you to be a friend and have a greater purpose to their lives. You can do this. Trust. God will give you these things. He desires nothing more than for you to kick your depression in the face.




I’m Afraid