Sainthood is Not For Me

By: Missionary Team

You might be saint material, but I am not. I want to have fun, have friends, be successful, go on adventures, and do things in my life. I do not want to sit in a church or a cave all day and live in isolation, and if I’m alone, I want to watch Netflix. I want to get married and have a family, go camping, go to the beach, go to college. No, sainthood is not for me; you do you - I’m sure you’ll be a great saint - but it is not for me!

You might be like me and think that you cannot live a life alone in a hot desert cave. I have good news, most of us all not called to that life, but we are all called to sainthood! Sainthood means you go to Heaven, most saints are normal people who lived their lives well and are not ever canonized.

We either go to Heaven or Hell, sainthood or not. But don’t let that scare you off. Sainthood is for everyone! Most of us are called to be mothers, fathers, single adventurers, active priests and religious. We are called to play baseball, run around, laugh, sing, dance, go on adventures, have friends, go to the mall and Disney, and at times watch Netflix and play video games. We are called to do everything well and with a pure heart, even watching Netflix and playing Call of Duty.

God gave us the Church, the sacraments, the bible and so much more to help with this journey, and they’re not to put us to sleep. The sacraments are the health packs to strengthen us and give us the grace we couldn’t receive on our own. The bible and lives of the saints are like the map and the user's guide to have a sound strategy on leveling up, aka getting to heaven.

Don’t forget to bring as many of your friends with you as possible. I am so grateful that there are people who have gone before me achieving the ultimate victory, leaving behind hard fought for advice helping me along too. The prize is too great to not use these invaluable resources. It’s like a young recruit going to a seasoned war veteran for advice!


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