The Legendary Shockwave

By: Missionary Team

I am a huge superhero fan. I especially love to make up my own superheroes. My personal favorite was Shockwave. His backstory is that he is a college aged student who is struck by lightning, but by the grace of God, his life is spared. He is given electric powers. How I designed the powers to work is that everything is sped up for him. Muscle growth, brain growth, the like. So pretty much he has a supercomputer for a brain, and has super speed and super strength. And the main point is that he can shoot lightning.

Now then, he may sound overpowered, but let me tell you he does have many side effects. If he shoots out too much lighting he can die, and if he doesn’t use any, his body will build up too much electricity and he will exert it in the way of everything in a five mile radius blowing up. So he does have some issues there. Now why am I telling you about this character? Well, I went into detail when I created him and there are somethings that I think you can take away from this.

Control your anger
So to start off, I made it that Shockwave had some sort of problem or struggle that he had to work through. I made it be that he had to deal with serious anger problems. So in a sense, he is the biggest hot head on the planet. He is super prideful as well. Because of his powers he has to learn how to control this anger so that he doesn’t destroy everything around him. To work on it he has his mentor.

The mentor character I had actually be an angel. Based off of my own Guardian Angel. This angel(mentor) took on a human appearance and he helps Shockwave deal with his anger. The way that he helps him is by making him focus. Anger clouds our judgment, making one very quick to answer with zero thought in what the answer is. So Shockwave had to find something to focus on to remind himself why he shouldn’t let his anger take control of him. I made it be that he wanted to protect the innocent, his family, and yes, I was a teen when I made him up, so a girl too.

With these in mind, he is able to stop himself from diving too deep into his anger and instead is able to focus on something. What I want you to take away from this is that, if you struggle with anger, find something that you can focus on that will keep you in the right mind. For me I focus on the Blessed Virgin Mary. Focusing on her has helped me to not explode when I am angry.

Something worth fighting for
Now then, this is the classic part about a superhero, they always have a reason why they fight. Superman fights for justice. Captain America fights for America (Duh), and then they also have their personal reason as well, like for instance, a girl. Having something or someone worth fighting for is an essential part of the superhero and is an essential part of a Catholic. Our faith is the most worth it thing to fight for in the whole world. Christ Himself tells us that, “For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” Matthew 16:25.

We should be willing to die for our faith. Shockwave fought for others that they may have a chance to come to Christ. He fought for not only the faith but also that others may be able to come to the faith. (Fun fact: I always had Shockwave wearing a miraculous medal outside of his super suit.) His prayer whenever the Priest at Mass receives Holy Communion is that he will have the strength to defend the faith, even if he must die to protect it.

You don’t have to be seen to be a hero
The thing about Shockwave is that he is respected and loved by everyone, but no one ever sees him. This is a bit peculiar as to how people know he exists and if he really wants the best for the people. Well, to make a long story short, I made it so that he leaves signs every so often to let people know. Anyhoo, what I want to touch on is that even though he is some big hero, and has all the cool powers, the greatest thing he did was be invisible. Everyone thinks that to be someone great you have to be seen and people have to commend you. Well my friends, that is not at all how it works.

You don’t need the approval of the people around you. All you need is the approval that you already have, which is the approval of God the Father. Shockwave simply came and helped those in need, without expectation of payment. He put his life at risk to help those in need and he did it with a happy heart. All of us can be a hero, even if we didn’t get zapped with a lightning bolt that mutated us and made us O.P., we all can fight our struggle, we all can fight for what is right, and the best part is... we don’t need to be seen doing these things, we just need to do it. Jesus had twelve followers, no one cared about what He had to say, and yet, He changed the world. The popular kid might seem like he is the most successful person, but it's the kid who puts in effort that gets the farthest in life, the kid who even when no one sees him, does the right thing.

We all can be superheroes, the question that I have for you is are you willing to fight, even if it seems like the whole world is against you? Pray about this my friends. God Bless!


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