Top 5 Teams That Live for Jesus

By: Justin Fatica

1. Clemson Tigers Football

In July 2018 when a reporter asked Clemson head coach Dabo Swinney to discuss his faith, Swinney chuckled and said it was the easiest question of the day. Over the course of two minutes, Swinney invoked Jeremiah 29:11 (“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”). He stressed that when he meets his maker one day, he “won’t pat me on the back and tell me how many wins I had.”Players decide to get baptized every year at practice. Dabo Swinney makes sure that faith is the priority. The culture of the Clemson Tigers is all about Jesus, and every year they win. Did you ever notice even when you think Clemson is in trouble they find a way to win? That is how someone who has Jesus in their life works. They find a way to win. Not on the field but in life. When a Coach constantly gets in trouble for putting Jesus first, I have to give him serious props. That is why CLEMSON FOOTBALL IS THE #1 sports team who loves Jesus. Now don’t forget about Trevor Lawrence. WATCH THIS! This is a Clemson disciple. I want to play for Dabo and the Clemson Tigers after seeing this kid.

2. Notre Dame Fighting Irish Football

All players and coaches go to Mass before their games. If you watch a game in the 50s, 80s, or even now, their players will kneel and say a prayer after they score a touchdown. What about Touchdown Jesus? Who has a stadium built specifically so that you could see Jesus? Now the reason I do not put them #1 is that they are starting to hide Jesus. You used to

be able to see 90% of Touchdown Jesus’ body, but now you see half of his body. It’s a little thing but it is notable. Take a minute to read this:

3. New Orleans Saints

Their name is the Saints and Drew Brees is their quarterback. This is all I need to say! No team reminds you of faith more than the name Saints. A Saint is someone totally reliant on God. A Saint is someone who totally surrenders their life to Jesus Christ. The Saints are a team that even if every player is a total pagan their name still reminds you of God, Jesus, Mary, St. Paul, St. Francis, and on and on. Saints are crucial to growing in our faith. The reason I do not have them as #1 is because of the fact that it is about living for God, not being “in name only”. Now why they are #3, is because of Drew Brees. He promotes the Word of God even though he got defamed for it. He lives as a great father and husband. He devotes his life to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. I know there are many players that live the faith on the Saints team. But if your name is Saint and you have Drew Brees you are guaranteed #3.

4. Philadelphia Eagles

Doug Pedersen is all about the Bible and Jesus, and he expects his players to grow deeper in their faith. Both of the quarterbacks that have played for him have had great faith and great foundations that support living for Jesus. If you have a coach and a quarterback that love Jesus, then I think your team will be solid. They are the leaders. Though their faith practices and organizations may be quiet (that is why I put them at #4), I guarantee you they are more alive with Jesus than most teams.

5. Golden State Warriors

A dozen of their players go to Bible study led by Steph Curry on a regular basis. Draymond Green who to most people is “out of his mind” says, “I may lose a friend or two, but I will never lose my faith.” Really? Draymond Green says this and is sincere. WOW! They are my team most likely to have Jesus on their team that no one knows about. Now the reason I put them at number five is that they play basketball like a bunch of hot-heads. Which to the world is exciting to watch, but for Jesus lovers, they come off arrogant and disrespectful. Now for me, I put them in the mix because we have to ask ourselves the question, “Is it ok to be intense in sports like Philip Rivers, be a hot head and still love Jesus?” I say YES!


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