Why Don’t Catholics Know Their Bible?

By: Justin Fatica

Why don’t Catholics know their bible? I recently had the opportunity to talk with Mark Hart on EWTN’s Facebook Live about Catholics and the bible. Mark had some unbelievable wisdom and insight on how the scriptures can help us out during these times. (Check out the full video here!)
In this time of the pandemic, it’s more important than ever for Catholics to know their bible. It will help us to face the isolation and discouragement that are so prevalent in these times. When I went to Seton Hall University, I didn’t realize how many non-Catholics were there. I realized that I needed to know my bible, and still be excited about the Catholic faith in order to evangelize those who weren’t Catholic. It challenged me to dive into the word of God, and know how it connected to each element of the Catholic Faith. I’ve been pondering on some of the highlights from my conversation with Mark. Here are some tips for how to know your bible well!

1. Start with the Sunday readings
The church has created a built-in way for us to dive into the word of God. Each day at Mass, the word of God is spoken to the faithful as a whole. Eventually, you will get to the point where you will want to read the daily readings in addition to the Sunday readings!

2. Know where and where not to go
Begin with the gospel of Mark, then read the book of James. These books are easy to absorb. It can be overwhelming to start with a book like Leviticus. Keep it manageable, and dive into the “easy” books first!

3. Look for ways to incorporate biblical examples in your daily life
The Bible is relevant even today! Scripture gives us a divine perspective in a human setting. Through the stories of Christ and his works, it brings tangible examples of how to bring Christ into every area of our day-to-day lives.

4. Find verses that speak to you personally and memorize them
Think about it. If you are constantly thinking negative thoughts, you may be negative all of the time. If you infuse your mind and memory with the truth of scripture, I promise you that it will change your whole mentality. Here are some examples from Mark Hart that you can use for every circumstance.

God is fighting for you!
Exodus 14:14 “The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still”
God is near!
James Chapter 4 says “Draw near to God and he will draw near to you. Resist the devil and he will flee from you”.
God hears you!
Jeremiah 29:12 says “When you pray to me, I will listen to you”.
God is a friend to you!
Sirach 6:14 “When you found a faithful friend, you found a treasure.”
God is your source of joy!
Nehemiah 8:10 “The joy of the Lord will be our strength”
God is bigger than fear and isolation!
Isaiah 41:10 “Fear not for I am with you. Be not dismayed for I am your God. I will reach down and lift you up with my right hand.”

Jesus and the scriptures are our lifelines! Cling to the word of God. Breathe in the truth of the scriptures, and breathe out the lies of the enemy. We need to cling to the Father who loves us and realize that we are each wounded. God heals our wounds through his promises and comfort in scripture. The next time you are discouraged, pick up your bible. I guarantee that if you give him the chance, the Lord will speak to your heart through his word. He loves you; he WANTS to be your savior!


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