You Have a Father

By: Missionary Team
Do you have a father, or is he no longer in your life? Do you have a father, but you don’t get along with him? Did you know that you always have a Father? No matter if your Dad is at home or not. No matter if you get along with him or not. It is true. You have a Father in Heaven who loves you and wants to know you.

1. Earthly Father: Did you know that your earthly father is not your real Dad? Seriously, he is not. Do not worry, you are not an alien, but you are far from home. Your earthly father is your adopted father. He is only your father for a little while here on earth. You still need to respect him, but it is important to know who your real Father is.

2. Never Alone: Did you know that if your father leaves you, you are not alone? If your father died or left you and your mom, you would still have a Father who would be there. So, you may be asking, how does this work?

Let me introduce you to your real Father...

3. God the Father: You always have a Father. God the Father, who is in Heaven, he is your Father! He is your true Father. Remember how I said that your earthly father is not your real father? That is because God the Father is your real Father. God is a good father. He will never leave you alone. He will never die. And at those moments when your life is at its hardest when you cannot feel God, He is still there; He is always there. If you get angry at Him and want nothing to do with Him, He will not force you into anything, but He will be patiently waiting for you. He gave you an earthly father to guide and protect you and to teach you. But, in reality, God is always your true Father.

Do you remember how I said you were far from home? It is true. Your real home is in Heaven with God, your Father. That is where you belong.

So, if you are struggling, if you are in pain, look up. Look up and think about God, your Father, who is waiting for you with open arms. Look up, and think about your true home, with your true father. Rest in the knowledge that, “You have a God, who is your Father, who loves you very much!”~Justin Fatica. You are never alone. You are loved and you are enough, no matter what your earthly father has said or did not say. No matter what your earthly father did or did not do. Rest in the truth of what God the Father, your Father, sees in you and that He is always with you.


Help, I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!


With Great Power comes Great Responsibility