Little Miracles
I had borrowed a necklace from one of the girls in my class and being the responsible child I was, I promptly lost it. I was worried for days. I finally decided to pray to Saint Anthony to help me find it and, on that day, I got off the bus and found it on the pavement in the gas station!
How My Life Drastically Changed
I slipped into this dangerous cycle of maintaining control and creating future plans for myself. I allowed myself to continuously daydream and visualize about my future timeline which was nonexistent in that moment… I was pretty confident in the plans I had made, but something just felt a little off. Deep in my heart, I knew something just wasn’t right.
Fear- The Best Thing to Happen
Let’s be real, life isn’t supposed to be easy, and we are supposed to be challenged and face many trials almost every single day. Having those struggles in our life is what makes us stronger, because of that fight we go through to face them.
The Power of Three
When I reflect on one of the darkest, most difficult times of my life, I’m brought to a time when I experienced multiple miscarriages. I’ve always been a health-conscious person, trying to eat healthy, exercise, and find positive ways to reduce stress. So, when I became pregnant, I eliminated alcohol from my diet (I was an occasional drinker), ate healthy foods, and tried to get adequate sleep. I thought that if I did everything within my power, my babies would have the right foundation from the very beginning. So, as you can imagine, after losing pregnancy after pregnancy, I was left with despair, heartache, and fear.
In the footsteps of saints
There have been times in my life when I am overcome with a sense that I am on holy ground. My heart is moved with a deep sense of the presence and nearness of our Lord and in my heart I hear an echo of the same words God…
St. Patrick
Once there was a lucky man. Partially lucky because he had great faith, and partially because he was Irish. However, his story starts out with not-so-lucky beginnings…
Saint John Henry Newman on Suffering
With that being said, in order to understand why we suffer, we must understand why God suffered on the cross. We’re created in God’s image. So, we must look at his image of suffering to understand our own.
The Best You Can Be
Habits use a different part of the brain than making decisions. Therefore, when you begin, it is not a choice, but once it is recognized, you can choose to quit it at that moment. Sometimes what will help is simply asking a friend if you do it all the time.
Win It All
Where does fear have the right to grab a hold of our tongue? Where does fear get off to stop us dead in our tracks? How dare you fear! Fear has no regard! Especially in those essential times when we know that truth must be expressed. We need to face them head on... and with love.
Confronting the Black Hole of Despair
Anxiety and panic course through our veins as we struggle to make sense of a world that eludes our grasp at every turn. This occurs in situations like:“How could God let this happen?” “Why won’t these pills make me happier?” “I’m earning more money, but I feel empty”
Seven Solutions to Survive Isolation
It’s easy in these days of fear, panic, and isolation to be angry, with our family, our leaders, or our God. It’s easy to say, “Woe is me!” as you are stuck at home on your couch with nothing to do. It’s easy to just “go to class” and watch your favorite streaming service afterwards. It’s easy to just give up. But that’s not what St. Thomas Aquinas did, and that’s not what we should do either.
I’m More There Than Here
I want heaven so much more than this cruel world. I didn’t pray to die like I did last Thanksgiving when I was so sick, but I was tempted.
Easter Time Is Here!
Even though not everyone truly respects the core message of it being about Christ’s birth, most still hold themselves to a higher standard of being generous and more virtuous than usual. But what about Easter?
Covid and Leprosy a Coincidence...
COVID is a disease that has led our present-day world into a pandemic. It has changed all of our lives in so many ways that have not really left a positive outlook on what is to come, and now people are losing sight of hope.
Coronavirus? I’m not worried about that!
Many people bash on the inconvenience of the Covid-19 pandemic, and while I can agree with most of it, I would have to say that there are some good things that this virus caused.
All Is Not Lost Brothers
Does this mean men have an excuse not to attend, get involved, or raise their families in the Faith? Absolutely not, in fact, the opposite is required. Sometimes we must look at the positives that shine through the difficulties.
Top 5 Ways to Impact Someone’s Life
When you meet someone who you want to help to know the love of God make sure to find out what they love. Is it sports? Is it books? Is it theatre? Is it democrats or republicans? Is it gardens?…
How to be a Paid Catholic Speaker
To be a paid Catholic speaker is not the goal. The goal is to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.
Is It Even Worth It?
Being Christ’s hands and feet is the reality that I am nothing and can do nothing without the grace of God, even that which I choose to do is Jesus’ grace. In fact, even the choosing itself is Jesus’ grace. Therefore, I must not do good in expectation of reward.
How to Fight Your Porn Addiction
I had to come to an understanding that I couldn’t overcome this alone. I needed Jesus so badly. I came to him with all my struggles. I’d always pray to God to free me. He knew I was weak. I could never have done it without him.