Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

Top 5 Ways to Impact Someone’s Life

When you meet someone who you want to help to know the love of God make sure to find out what they love. Is it sports? Is it books? Is it theatre? Is it democrats or republicans? Is it gardens?…

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

He didn’t love me

He didn’t love me. He didn’t love me because he didn’t know how. His “promise” of endgame wasn’t his to give as a 14-year-old boy

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

Eeyore and Joy

I rejected my friend’s view that optimism is somehow ignorance of suffering and that being joyful will pass when things get difficult enough. But what he said stuck with me and it came back most recently because things are happening in my life right now that are difficult, that bring tears to my eyes, and make my shoulders feel like I’m carrying a weight there. I mused on our conversation and decided to reconsider, think, look into my heart and see if he was right after all.

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

Feeling’s Labyrinth

Do I open up with the chance of hurting someone, or do I stay closed off and lonely without having any friendships or attachments?

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Justin Masterson Justin Masterson

Dating for Fun or for the Future?

I may not be a psychiatrist but it doesn't take an expert to point out when a relationship is toxic. In my own life, I have both experienced and witnessed unhealthy relationships along with the toxic pains and issues that arose from couples being on different pages.

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