How to Workout: Make it a Prayer

By: Mission Team

Why should you work out? Many would say to lose weight, get in shape, or get jacked. Did you know that there is another reason to work out?

1. For Others
Workout for others. What does this mean? It means that when you workout out, offer it up. Doing this allows you to help others with your prayers and sacrifices. Personally, I am not a big fan of working out. But, when I offer up my workouts for someone else, it is so much better. I find I can push myself more and do not mind the workouts as much. Why? Because I am doing it for someone else and not for me. I think about what they are struggling with, and it is harder than my workout. Whenever we do something good for someone else, it is always better than if we had done it for ourselves.

2. It Helps
Whenever you offer something up for others, good always comes from it. The merits that you receive from your good works are distributed to those who need them. Just like every bad thing that you do affects everybody else in the world, so does every good thing that you do.

3. Discipline/Obedience
Working out also builds discipline. It disciplines the body as well as the mind. It takes discipline to force yourself to work out when you do not want to. It also can build on obedience. If you are working out on your own initiative, then it will help more with your own discipline. If you are working out because it is part of your school curriculum, ROTC, or because you were told that you needed to, then it will help you to grow in obedience.

4. Prayer Workout
The steps above describe what we at Hard as Nails describe as a Prayer Workout. A Prayer Workout is when you work out for somebody else who is struggling and you offer your workout, your suffering, and your prayers for them.

If you work out, think about making your workout a Prayer Workout for someone who is struggling. If you want to work out but lack motivation, then try a Prayer Workout and do it for someone else. If you do not work out and do not want to work out, how about reconsidering and doing a Prayer Workout?

Workout for your friend who is depressed. Workout for the person that wants to commit suicide, the person that does not see their importance. Workout for the person with cancer or the man who lost his job. Workout for the kid that is lonely and the one whose father left him. Workout for the drug addicts, the smokers, and the drinkers. Workout for the unbelievers and the convicts.

You can make a difference by offering things up for these people. They may never know that you did this and you may never know how many people you help; but you will change and save lives, just by your sacrifices and prayers.

Who needs you to work out for them today?


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