When God Sent Me a Saint
As for me, it has always been a challenge to stay focused in prayer. As I read this quote, I felt a huge connection to her. I realized that I was not the only one who found it extremely difficult.
The Power of Witnessing
Nevertheless, the world to this day still believes in Christ, and the world has Christianity spread everywhere. What did they do differently?
The Eyes of Christ
It didn’t matter where I was in the room, directly in front of the picture standing up, sitting down, to the left, or to the right, He always looked like He was staring at me and there was love in His eyes.
St. Catherine of Siena
To be Hard as Nails does not mean you have to be a missionary or a staff member. To be Hard as Nails means doing what is right, even when nobody else supports you. It means having courage, authenticity, and obedience.
Roses of Therese
I asked St. Therese, known as the “Little Flower”, to ask God if He would let her send me a rose so that I would know that the little one we lost was in Heaven. At the time I was teaching Kindergarten. One of my students drew me a picture of a little person holding a flower. I asked her, “What kind of flower is the person holding?” She replied “A ‘roz’”
Prodigal Son
“Remind yourself that the life of grace is not about being fair; it’s about being generous....abundantly.”
Ma Girl - St. Monica
That, if my children fall, marital hardships come my way, or I struggle to trust in God, I'll know there is hope amidst the struggle....and she taught me that. "Nothing is far from God!" - St. Monica
Like and Subscribe to the Saints
I don’t know about you but it is sometimes hard to know who Jesus is. I can go to Jesus and spend time with Him for sure, but it helps when I get to know Jesus’ friends. Saints are successful at truly getting to know who He is. This is something that I desperately want.
How the Saints Battled Scrupulosity
For five years I struggled with a form of OCD known as scrupulosity. In scrupulosity, I obsess over the littlest things thinking that they are serious sins. I remember most days feeling an enormous guilt that consumed my soul.
Exodus 14:14
"The Lord will fight for you; you have only to keep still." Exodus 14:14. This is a rather beautiful bible verse do you not agree? But what does it mean?
Crucifix - The Image that Will Change Your Life
Next time you glance at a crucifix, simply stop. Pause your day, and just gaze at Jesus for ten seconds.
By the grace of God I was never successful; but for 132 Americans each day these thoughts overtake them and they succeed at one of the greatest tragedies known to man: suicide
Kick Depression in the Face by ‘Getting’ These Three Things
If you are going to get out of depression, you need to let yourself feel the things you are actually feeling and let those feelings move you to do safe/productive actions. Workout, sing, play music, punch a punching bag, laugh, etc.
I’m Afraid
Everyone is afraid at times. Even the people that seem to be the bravest are afraid. Heck, I act like I'm super courageous all the time, but deep down I'm usually shaking in my britches. There is something that I want to bring up about fear though…
A Word About the Culture
I have had numerous friends reach out to me and with pure hearts, asking me how I am processing everything that is going on. Out of all of the discussions and interviews I’ve had, the two questions that I have been asked the most are, “How is this different?” and “How do we move forward?”
The beauty in long-distance friendships
The hardest part about our friendship was when we went from seeing each other every day to not seeing each other for eight months. She went off to serve at a summer camp, and I went off to serve as a missionary. It was one of the hardest things for the both of us…
Impurity? Never Heard of it - A Look how Secular Culture has Embraced Sinfulnes
“feels” good to us is what we should pursue, and if we continue to chase after it, it will consistently make us happy. But the truth of the matter is that feelings and emotions aren’t real, and they also come and go, never being permanent.
Dear Freshman Me
I remember thinking, “Wow, this is so much better than freshman year. I feel like I’m going to spend the rest of my life thankful that I’m not a freshman anymore.”
Do I Pray Correctly?
Thoughts are running through your head of inadequacy because you feel as though you are failing in your prayer life. And you begin questioning how people seem to hear God in their life often.
The Present Is a Gift
Why is it that people say that? Why do they bring up the past and how bad or good their life used to be? Why can’t these people talk about how good life is right now?